Treasure Thursday: 7 more days of Lent


What are you treasuring in life?
Is it your car, house, kids, husbands, life partners, extended family, jobs, careers, money, fun?

Do you know that as well intended and noble that all the above are to be treasured, for we all do in some respects and/degrees...we cannot make them our soul's motivation?

For treasuring these things, above the Christ, his life, death and resurrection makes for a corrupt treasure chest. See, all the aforementioned things don't last. They all have a shelf life, some longer than others, but inevitably overtime rust corrodes cars and machinery, moth consumes homes and things manufactured, we lose jobs, and realize that even the best of careers cannot satisfy us. Painfully we learn that no one lives for ever, we are either out lived or gain an opportunity to correct our ways, but in the final analysis we all die!

So you see, treasuring earthly things must be balanced with a overwhelming awareness of the importance of treasuring eternal truths, which are in Christ Jesus. For things eternal do not rust, and moth cannot conceal or destroy, death has no power and our greatest achievement is irrelevant; for Christ the SUSTAINER of all things, whom all things were made for him and there is nothing made that was not of him,  is more than enough, and as we reflect on his sacrifice for us, we TREASURE that more and anything else. 

So, treasure the earthly blessings God has graced you with, but make sure you treasure Christ and eternal things the more.

In these last 7 days of Lent, seek to Remember the sacrifice of Christ Jesus, Reflect on God's love, Treasure the Cross and how it
                                                     has wrought your eternal life and right standing before God, and
                                                     Proclaim the God News!

                                                     Further Meditation: Matthew 6:20 (NIV)
                                                     "Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot
                                                     destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal."


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