INTRODUCING THE "Winsome Wednesday Award"

March 2013 Recipient: Aneesah Barnes
How "winsome are you?

 For a few weeks now certain friend's and members of this group have been really catching my attention in the NEWS FEED. Unfortunately, I think we can all admit, there is more disturbing posts :encouraging posts that flood the NEWS FEED. Probably more so than any of us care to digest.

The problem is not just from non-Christians, because there is a growing number of professing Christians (followers of Christ) who are becoming guilty of bleeding all over FACEBOOK (seeking attention, bearing too much-TMI, being bold for the sake of controversy, obvious self promotion versus Christ exalting or just inappropriately using the media,  etc...). I'm of the thought, which is grounded in biblical truth, that he/she who wins souls is wise; hence, having a winsome attitude is wise. (Proverbs 11:30 -"The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and the one who is wise saves lives.)

However, it is an encouraging sight and a pleasing sound to the ear when  a "post"  appears in the NEWS FEED that is just well rounded with truth, and transparency, classiness and Christ-likeness, and inspiration to be more God reliant!

With that said, I'd like to be more intentional about encouraging those who are displaying a "Winsome Attitude" on FACEBOOK. This form of media has become a meeting place for this generation, and I'm sure we will not see a decline but rather a incline in its use. But whether it is a convenient good or devilish tool; I believe those of us with little to some influence can help wield it's power for the good of the kingdom.

Hence, the institution of the Winsome Wednesday Award. Every fourth (4) Wednesday we will publish a recipient who have displayed a winsomeness in character through their FACEBOOK interactions. We (TEAM ENCOURAGE), will welcome welcome nominees for the award, as an additional means of encouraging our fellow sojourners in the faith.

This month, Women in Fellowship & Encouragement salutes Aneesah Barnes.


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