Are you really Alone, or are you just Lonely?

So many women are trying their best to satisfy a longing that seems insatiable at times. We long for companionship,  for safe communities,  for trustworthy alliances , for safe places...and why?

 Perhaps, we feel incomplete without these needs being met. Many feel lost, and despair when there is a lack of  people around. We feel unsupported in our joys, and alone in our challenges. We express through our behaviors that we needs more and are not satisfied . Depending on our life story ( birth to present), the longing we feel be complete...nothing lacking, missing or broken within us...takes on more desperate and extreme characteristics.

Might we look then at the possibility that, indeed one may feel as if she is all Alone or even Lonely, a single barren beaten and battered ship sailing in the vast ocean of life and no a sight of land to anchor or port. Indeed, there is a temptation to lean into the mindset that , "I'm Alone  in these uncharted tides, and the more Alone I am, the more Lonely I'm becoming ."

But are you really Alone? Or is it that your Lonely? I am learning each day that distinguishing the difference between Aloneness and Loneliness makes a huge difference n a believers life. It also take a great leap of faith to elevate our thinking out of the both states of being, that is Aloneness and Loneliness.

Do you realize that the longing within us is natural in all seasons of life. It's joy human to want companionship and fellowship, support and encouragement, to love and be loved, to have a good cry and then to be cheered by loving friends and family. It is quite naturally human to crave the the treasures of a rich community. However, it's never as ideal as we wish or desire. There's always a twist in the plot of each of our stories, and its at these times we much have a clear and sobering
definition of the state of Aloneness and Loneliness.  There are times and seasons when our plots thicken with deep details and impressions that compels, rivets us to the edge of seats, and there are times when the story is so dramatic the ending seems so sad or so far from a happy ending. This is when Aloneness and Loneliness make their appearances. They can enter the stage of life as ready and prepared co-stars in the plot of life.

Aloneness appears and seek to dominate the story, insisting you are the only character in the scene, and no matter how hard you try, you're not convinced anyone else has ever experienced the lines, and scenes you are. You feel so afar off, no companionship, no safe people or places, so isolated and dislocated. Then, the more aware of how Alone you are  based on your circumstances and twists in your story's plot, the quiet and creepy sense of Loneliness overwhelms you. Loneliness, now takes you on a different story line, for he introduces despair, desperation, depression, shame, regret, dismay, disillusionment, panic! Not having a standard definition of these two state of being can dramatically change to course of our lives a believers.

First, as a believer and one who has entrusted God with our lives, we must never forget that we are never alone. Jesus promises to never leave or forsake us, no matter the twist and turns in our life sorry. We have a Shepherd who is good at caring for each sheep assigned to him by the Father...he has not lost one yet. Being alone, without the companionship of friends and family is hard, yet there is a better and sweeter consolation, because God's Spirit is your best companion. When we are alone in , and open our hearts to God, he satisfies our souls and fulfill the longings of our hearts. When we are physically without company, though our human side cries for people, we'd be better if we yield in spirit and allow God to manifest his care. In our Alone time, God gets to deepen our knowledge of himself to us. Our Alone state can be a great rewards when we invite God to give us a deeper awareness of his presence and ability to quiet and restore us.

Secondly, when we realize that our physical state of being Alone, should not dominate us , for we always are in the company of the Holy Spirit of God, then Loneliness takes its right role. We will all feel lonely from time to time. The reality of life is that we will not always have supports in the audience or sojourners on the path of life ; consequently, we feel lonely. However, if our plumbline of truth comes from God we will find a comfort in our ALONE times, and not fall pray to Loneliness.

"You can be alone, but not be lonely!"
There are are treasures to be grasped in our Alone and Lonely times. These are precious opportunities for us to encounter God in a deeper and refreshing way. During these state of being, more inevitable than not, we must willing seek after an intimate encounter with the Almighty.
A more intimate walk with God, relieves the pangs and longings of Aloneness and Loneliness. Though our external problems may not change, or the tensions , twists and turns persist, drawing nearer to God, inviting Him in to invade our space and being eliminates our panic, fear, anxiety and distress.

"Alone is a great location to be. It's often where the heart is quiet enough to hear God"
When we find God, hear him and obey him we become the benefactors of much grace and mercy. We gain clarity and strength to endure. We are first partakers of God displaying his power and glory in our lives. Then and only then, will the twists in our story plots make sense. When we seek God earnestly in our Aloneness and Loneliness in the varied seasons of life, we get to experience God showing off His Glory in your Glory Story! 

Further Meditation: Ps.30:4-5; Philippians 4:4;Romans 8:28


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