Lent 2013: Heart Surgery

For those of us who are honoring the Lenten season we've celebrated a full week of, prayerfully, reflecting on the life , death and resurrection of Christ.

In my own reflection on Christ, a more intentional gaze, I find my resolve always at looking closely at my heart. Today, I was reminded by C.H. Spurgeon, that my heart is a great reservoir from which streams flow and carry the issues of life. To be plain, the heart is the central station of our humanity! If it be invaded with deciet, anger, jealousy.. .evil ..the entire city of the soul would become compromised. Therefore, I see clearly how Proverbs 4:23 " keep thy heart with diligence, for out of it comes the issues of life" is a verse that must be adhered with passion.

The heart, must be cared for on a minute by minute basis, with urgency. For if its gates let in stray thoughts, suspicious speculations, and judgmental assumptions the flow within and without becomes a corrupt.
Jeremiah 17:9 -"the heart is decietful above all things and beyond all cure.
Who can understand it? ", supports this thought of caring for the heart, for an unattended heart, cleanse and renewed by God is a deceitful heart that cannot be trusted.

I, therefore cannot always trust the flow of my heart...the issues of life are too important to leave at the mercy of an unclean heart.

During this Lenten season, I pray you will join me in desiring God to do the heart surgery of Ezekiel 36:24-26.

Grace and peace!


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