Alone as a Parent: PARTNERING WITH GOD

This week our study takes us on the journey of parenting. Whether you are a parent, hoping to become a parent this chapter will truly steer you in the direction of being instrumental, effective----and joyful----parent.

PARENTS, Are there anything that hinders you from persevering as a parent?
Ask God to point it out to you, confess it to Him, and then receive His forgiveness and strength to begin anew.

SINGLE PARENT, how did this chapter encourage your heart in your role as a single parent.

IF YOU'RE NOT A PARENT, how has this chapter cause you to think more of God'sCare grace for parenting ?


Anonymous said…
Linda Brooks

Even though I am a seasoned single parent of a now adult son,this chapter took me back down memory lane when I rememberd feeling all these emotions mentioned in this chapter. How I experienced feeling lonely,not knowing how I was going to make it on my own, not realizing I was correct I couldn't make it on my own, I needed Jesus. I got saved when my son was 3 but I am going to be honest I still had those times of feeling so helpless but I was not hopeless.
This chapter was so encouraging revisting Hagar story and during her most desperate times God was to her El Roi God who sees. And even with us He sees all that we go thru all that we are feeling as single parents.
Also it was encouraging how the writer brought back to our attention how God provides so much for us
He provides our needs
He provides comfort
Most of all God is our Well of Water,we just have to go to the Well and drink from it and trust it.

I love love this study. I hope to hear others opinion.
Anonymous said…
This chapter has really spoke to some areas of my life past and present. Even though I have been bleesed with a husband,; at times I felt alone in the parenting of my children.I'm truly beginning now to understand the love of Our Father regarding me and my seed. I'm learning to yield and embrace the words of David " that God is mindful and truly concerned about me. As a result of these moments of aloneness I've learned to retreat and hear from the Lord. Most of all in times that seems so overwhelming i have learned to take advantage and dive into the presence of God.
Thymelygrace said…
Linda and Samyra, you both highlight the essence of the Chapter, which for me in active parenting, was another means of God's grace. Often as a parent whether, there is a husband-father-dad present; we can take on feeling of anxiety as it relates to our children, their rearing and their future. Well, for me, my parenting battle has often been in the area of the future,these feelings are often compounded as I've been my children's sole educator, and guide for all their lives (we are a homeschooling family); hence during varying season, I can tend to take on the the sole responsibility (voluntarily, because neither my husband or God asks me to) of feeling as if their rise and fall is up to me.
This chapter I think provides care, and assurance that God is creator, HE sustains and He finishes well in the lives our children and our lives. We can trust him with our children's beginning and ends...after all they are HIS reward to us blessed wombs. He shall see that each child is taken care of, and the vision and purpose he has for them will be complete.

The story of Hagar is a good example of parenting alone and the loneliness of the journey; yet God's redemptive nature is all over the story transcends to our stories today. God reminds her through his care and grace, that he is a God who watches/Sees ...what a comfort and blessed assurance this is to me.

In spite of what type of parenting you're currently enrolled (single, married, married but feeling single), the previous chapter.. chapter two (2) did a great job of solidifying for us...God is our heavenly mate and we must get quickly committed in partnering with Him in the raising of our children.

I have to remind myself often that those who put their confidence in the Lord will never be put to shame;not only will I put my confidence in Him, but I will put my future hopes and desires regarding my children in his hand.

Glory be to God...who sees!

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