Intimacy with God demands your effort! The Holy Spirit is available to help us, He will do his part, will you do yours?

If we want to get closer in relationship with God, there is a lot of work ahead of us. It will take

This weeks Review: discuss your private practice of your disciples ( Bible Study, Private Prayer, Group Prayer, Worship, Fasting, Solitude/ Rest) and evaluate which is the most difficult .


Thymelygrace said…
Though it is extremely hard to compare or have a favorite chapter in this booklet, I must say that this Chapter, Train Yourself to be Godly, has profoundly inspired my heart to review the time, focus and care that I exercise in developing a closer walk with The Lord. As the natural body must work in the gymnasium to define and maintain its muscular system, so must the heart be trained to in the disciplines of godliness. I believe, if this foundational principle is not perfected in us, all the other disciplines will become a hit and miss in our lives. We will be stunted in our spiritual growth, experience minimal results in prayer, fasting, bible study, solitude ,confession, because we don't have relationship.

If this principle is lacking in the believers life, what benefit will it be to pray,fast,mediate...for these disciplines, I believe are building locks anchored in cultivating an intimate relationship with God. Our prayers, fasting,meditation ,confession, solitude becomes more meaningful and transformational, when we are in a consistent and perpetual relationship with God.

Jesus' ministry on earth still provides a wonderful guide which must be followed, his prayer life is one that should be covet and put into daily practice, his obedience to the Spirit is very admirable and his success in Mnistry should be esteemed. Jesus' private practice proved to be the power that fueled his public performance.
Lord, help us to see the urgency in developing a private routine. Let us not be concerned with the public appearances and performance and miss what you're cultivating in us behind close doors. amen.
Jamika Richardson said…
If I had to pick a favorite Chapter of this book it would be Chapter two! I love the breakdown of how our spiritual discipline is likening to physical workouts. I love how all thought out the chapter we are giving a glimpse of just how Jesus was so successful in his ministry. As Christians I think we have it all backward at times, we want to show off in public but the real work is done behind the scenes. But just like it seems like a good idea to start a new workout but half way in its daunting. A spiritual workout can be the same. It’s a known fact we have need of both, but we lack consistent (unchanging in achievement or effect over a period of time) and follow though. Just like 1 Tim 4:7 describe we have to train ourselves to be Godly. Training is not always convenient, it’s painful at times. But the results cannot be duplicated any other way! No short cuts, private work. I love how this chapter tells us to “First, note the goal” The goal is godliness. It’s not happiness. It’s not success. So in other words it can’t be about popularity of financial gain the main thing is godliness! It’s only when we do the necessary private work that we will have public power! Let’s journey a little further, can’t wait to discuss chapter 3

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