It's time for a cleanse: A means of Spiritual growth

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.

As the New Year picks up some speed, and the busyness of life call us to this and that; let me encourage you to make sure you're getting all you need for spiritual growth and development . As you take your daily recommended dosed of truth, also schedule a periodic cleanse!

Incorporating a corporeal as well as spiritual cleanse every few miles is as effective as maintaining the fluids on your vehicle. Bottom line, the vehicle just runs better. Likewise the body and the soul operates at maximum performance when we schedule them for times of cleansing and refreshing.

Whatever, your modality of cleansing the body, that is, fasting foods, juicing, herbs and other aides, the soul needs God to search it and cleanse it with biblical truth.

During this first quarter of the year Women in Fellowship will be doing both. Many of our members are and have embarked on various fasts, many are implementing exercise routine with high expectations that energy levels will increase, digestive systems will be reset and prayerfully health related issues may even improve. In the same way we are and have launched two (2) book study cohorts with the goal of stretching our minds and hearts to the point of growth.

Are you up for a cleanse?

Join us then , Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Register for our Equipping & Empowering Book Cohorts TODAY


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