Alone as a Woman: SEEKING THE BLESSING -Chapter 1 When a Women WalksAlone

Are you experiencing a challenging season of walking alone? In encouraging us to seek intimacy with The Lord when when we find ourselves walking alone Cindi McMenamin in the first draw of our attention brings us into an immediate understanding the difference of being Alone and Loneliness. Understanding the difference and establishing purpose while we walk alone often brings us to an oasis of God's Grace and mercy for any season of life.

Embracing the Blessings

Surrendering the struggle against loneliness first involves surrendering to God- in every way. If you haven't yet given your heart and life to Him, read "Surrendering the Struggle ." Pg 197.

Question 1 : How did this Chapter speak to you in terms of the concept of Alone vs Lonely? Share any truth that was presented as you mediated on narratives and biblical references.


Anonymous said…
Linda Brooks
2:56 PM (18 minutes ago)

First of all I am so excited to be apart of this study.

This chapter was so good. This chapter to me gave examples of women who experienced being alone as well as being lonely and I was so encouraged by it because I could relate with my own life of times when I have experienced both at different times and sometimes both at the same time and literally didn't even understand why when I was always surrounded by people, had a good job,wonderful son, friends and family yet still felt a void and felt alone . So I related .
This chapter helped me realize that there is a 1. Being alone and 2. Feeling alone and it is ok because its in those times we have the opportunity to be closer with God and hearing what He has to say to us. We just have to learn to sieze the moments and times.
In my quiet time this morning I concentrated on Ps 42:1 ' As the deer pants for water so pants my soul for you O God'. I want to be like that deer and pant for Him in those alone times

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