Happy Thanksgiving 2012

 Lord, we truly give Thee thanks for the seen and unseen.
We thank Thee for the perils and scares that your mighty hands have shield us and this nation from. Lord, your divine intervention has been our saving Grace!
Father, we thank you for loving us beyond our faults and wanderings. Father we thank you for your guidance and protection in days of uncertainty. We give Thee and only Thee praise for being our refuge and strength!

Lord, we give you thanks that your Sovereignty over all is absolute
we, can trust in your compassion and justice,
we can rest in your truth and deliverance,
we can wait on you because you will be faithful!

Lord, we thank you for the bounties of Harvest time
the fat of the land, the wheat that swells from our barns, the milk and honey that flows from our banks,  we thank you for you are Jehovah Jireh!
Father , even in scarcity or drought you are the Good Shepherd who leads us in green pastures and besides still waters, you replenish the humble and righteous.

Father, we thank you today and everyday not out of form or fashion, but in total Allegiance to you and your Kingdom. We acknowledge "Thanksgiving Day" for it's historical significance; but we give thanks always! Every day is filled with new mercies and sufficient grace.

Father , refresh our hearts and senses to perceive all the good you've done and continue to do on our behalf. Father, may we yearn to be a Thankful people and cry out forever," The Lord is God, and His mercy endures forever." Amen!


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