THANKS FOR THE SUPPORT: "you were a jerk for Lupus"

An ovation is in order for all who stopped by, or stopped in yesterday to " BE A JERK FOR LUPUS" .

Thanks to those who DONATED online at ( support W.I.F.E. ) between the hours 10 am of  -5 pm ( Adris X Brown and Chiji Akoma)...thank you!

Edgar A. Mitchell Jr, here's to another awesome ENCOUNTER..." when there is unity, expect a commanded blessing" , and to think a water leak wanted to spoil the day! #mitchelltrainbaby!

Gabrielle, you are the best team mate a mother could have. Girl you ran that lemonade stand and managed those " Yankees " eating up you jerk Charmaine Dennison Gabby, say it loud and proud, mommy has your back. " this is a fundraiser, what change?" lol lol lol

Corina, YOU ARE AWE-SOOOOOOOME!...and your hubby takes a prize too. Thanks for being more than a spectator in my roll up your sleeve and get to it!! Wow, appreciate you. You serve us well!

Jamika, love you!

Dee, you're a keepsake ! ( first customers and ego strokers #lickedtheplatetothelastdrop

Christine, soooo good seeing you. #tearjerker Deborah Hooper, smh! Smh! Lady you're hilarious.

Chiji and family, you all are OUR family. Love you big! Tara & family....#sightforsoreeyes

Martina,Tyhee and Kelli, we were long overdue for a face to face refreshing!

Sam...faithful. As tired as you were, you SHOWED!
 To ALL MY NEIGHBORS! What support! Thank you!               


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