A Prayer for the Wanderer

Today, I'm praying for the "Backslider" ... But before you get unnerved, recognize that we all are backsliders to some extent. Though the term often refers to " the righteous who have fallen"; a meek and gentle soul would quickly recognize that , at moments throughout our days and weeks we all can be accused by God of being "unrighteousness / in a fallen" state.

Though you may only visit this state, and quickly return to the your place of victory in the Lord, it doesn't give us supremacy over the one who has wandered from the green pastures and living waters of the Lord, and have lingered in a prodigal state for seasons at a time. Knowledge of our friends and family living in opposition to God, should grieve our souls, and motive us to cry out n their behalf. It should inspire is to administer grace and wisdom as we seeks ways to participate in their reconciliation to Christ.

"From time to time, Satan’s fiery darts will sometimes pierce a brother’s armor and wound him. Some, including even our respected leaders, may fall into scandalous adultrous affair or some other shameful public disgrace, others may be arrested for crimes, yet others become pregnant out of wedlock, still others may sue divorce and break up marriages and homes." Jim B. Miller , Old Town Vineyard Christian Fellowship, Nacogdoches TX, Restoring Fallen Christian, August 2002) Restoring the Fallen Christian Article

It is with a heart that knows too well then, of how vigorously I must fight against uprising sin ,that I pray.

Prayer for our "fallen " friends and family:


  Father, today we remember those who once walked by faith and not sight, those who were once eager to delight in your ways and truth, Father we come today with compassion in our hearts for those who have slowly wandered from the pastures of life giving sustenance and grace. Father , we remember them, because we have an obligation to atleast pray for the fallen. Gal 6:1 (NIV) states ,
Dear brothers and sisters, if another believer is overcome by some sin, you who are godly should gently and humbly help that person back onto the right path. And be careful not to fall into the same temptation yourself.

Father, we do not posture ourself above, for we are all in a fight against sin and temptation . Father , by your spirit guide us away from the perils of temptation. Lead us by your loving hand away for the evil one. Father , we do not approach our friends, family, neighbors, acquaintance who have fallen away from the faith with a whip, but in love and gentleness of spirit ( 1 Corinthian 4:21) . Father, if transgressions have been against us , we forgive our brother or sister; or if we've been the transgressors, Lord, I pray their be overwhelming forgive through love , that all hearts be overtaken by excessive grief which leads to Humilty and repentance.

Father, send ministering angels to those who need a Word of restoration and reconciliation to you and their communities. Father, turn not you face from the fallen dear Lord. father, I pray that their souls become thirty again for the living water. Father, in their parchness , HAVE MERCY ON THEIR/ our Souls! Father, I pray that your award which is light once. More become a guiding torch to the path of righteousness and your care.
Father, your will is that none would perish, but that all would have eternal life . Father hear our cry today on behalf of the souls of those we know, and are connected to. Father, I pray today that hearts of stones, will become heart of flesh, and passionately seek you . My the desperate cry of the Psalmist (63:1) be the cry of those who have wandered from your grace.

Father all these things we ask in Jesus precious name and his power to save and restore. Amen!


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