The Prayers of the Righteous Availeth Much...

"Prayer advances God's cause in the earth" ~E.M.Bounds

July 7, 2012, has been memorialized in heaven and the earth.
None of us could have indeed foretold what a profound impact our unified and harmonious faith would have wrought in the Renaissance Ballroom at the Hilton Hotel, City Avenue-Philadelphia.  A week later, the testimonies and conversations have been tainted with a lingering prayer, and anointing has emanated throughout our community.

There was so much praise for God and thankfulness for how the Spirit overtook and overwhelmed every soul that it is indisputable that the Lord was with us. From the very first speaker to the last statements of dismissing the folks gathered, every minute was supercharged by the presence of the Lord.

All have been left with few words to describe the encounter. We have resolved that the gathering was an encounter with the most high God.

In this same breath, I'd like to thank everyone for their high level of faith in this encounter. Because we had such expectations for the gathering, the corresponding result was God's faithfulness to perform, show up, and demonstrate his power to heal, restore, reset, encourage, and empower. We thank you, Lord, for being so faithful and true.

Only you could have satisfied our hunger and thirst in this way. You have been sheltered from the storms of life, provider, and protector. Lord, we thank you for your vigilant watch over our lives and for guaranteeing our victory through your dear Son. Thank you, Father, for being our hiding place and tower of strength. Lord, thank you for attending to our prayers in Jesus' Name. AMEN!

"The days of God's splendor and  renown
have always been great in the days of prayer." E.M Bounds


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