A Personal  Note:  I'm going off the grid for a few is necessary for me! 

When we fast or seek to withdraw from worldly entanglements, it is not MANDATORY to remove oneself from the population; however, if you're able to do so, it can be very beneficial. If you cannot, there are other ways to regulate the influence of the noise from the market place, that is, by reducing emailing, texting, Facebook, Twitter, and social networking within and without to the bare necessity. Hence, for the next 4 days, I will utilize several of the above options. 

Why? There are many things of concern to me regarding community life and the movement of God's people with whom I directly interact or serve. It's FULL time we leave our Egyptian habits and " come ye out from them and be separate". We must leave its pleasures, and its religion too, and go far away to the place where the Lord calls his sanctified ones. 

Secondly, I need to be sober-minded and watchful over the family and ministry God has assigned to me. We often need to set aside time to meet with the Lord so he can direct and lead us into truth.

PRESENT CONCERN ( plz. Pray with me ): Beloved whenever God is doing a work among his people there are always moles/ assassins/ rebels/ infiltrators who will rise up to undermine, cause controversy, detract our attention from the plan of God to highlight our human condition: sin, and unto the supremacy of man! 

But, heed this warning...if there be one or more " cantankerous, sneaky, malicious, evil, has the intention to provoke and scatter the brethren mole/infiltrator among the assembly of God's people, UNDERSTAND in this hour we are not ignorant of your devices and schemes to cause strife and division. 

My prayer is with the sincere belief that God would now scan every heart motive, and cleanse us from within. Family, we have too much work to do for the kingdom; HENCE, we cannot tolerate any insurgence of the evil one. 

The bible says, there's a day at hand in which the very elect will be deceived. Paul's exhortation in 1 Peter 5:8-9  cautions us to be sober-minded and watchful.

  •  "Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 9 Resist him, standing firm in the faith, because you know that the family of believers throughout the world is undergoing the same kind of sufferings." 

This watchfulness must have a panoramic view of not only your personal surroundings but of our community at large. We ought to be watchful that the enemy does not infiltrate our boundaries and camp, posing as a friend.  

In addition, let all our words be used to reflect the hope in us, to proclaim the cleansing we've received through the blood of Jesus. Let no ungodly conversation be honored among us, let no slander or gossip exalts itself as law and statue, let no wicked and evil motive take root, but let every form of communication be God-honoring and pleasing in God sight and ears. 

Proverbs 10:19  "When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise." 

Be wise! Hold your tongue and therefore preserve the cleansing which you so graciously received through Christ Jesus; therefore bringing honor and glory to his name. Shut down your idle talk, conspiracy to see the brethren fail. Disable all texting and emailing, face-booking and twittering that does not encourage, equip, engage, empower one another with virtue, knowledge, temperance, patience, godliness, and brotherly love.

The enemy of us all is seeking to use technology as a subtly object to add strife and issues of miscommunication and / intimidation within our community. We are being instruments in his destructive plan of modern warfare. BEWARE of these plots and plans, do not entertain chain messaging or be used as a vehicle of strife through technology.

Whatever you have to say through various forms of technology (txt, calls email), be ready and bold to say in the circle of accountability. I CALL YOU OUT NASTY SPIRIT THAT SEEKS TO INTIMIDATE. YOUR WEAPONS AND PLOTS IS NO MATCH FOR THE DISCERNING EYES OF THE ALMIGHTY.

Jeremiah 23:1 speaks to the pastors and says "woe to the pastors who scatters the sheep in my pasture" saith the Lord.

I declare the same warning to the saints or those posing to be saints whose intention and the motive is to scatter the flock, and cause our attention to be redirected to strife and conflict resolution as opposed to our attention is on Christ and him alone!

             Woe be unto you, the Lord sees and knows your every angle!

Instead beloved, Study well the Scriptures, and get knowledge; for knowledge of doctrine will confirm faith. Try to understand God's Word; let it dwell in thy heart richly. 2 Peter 1:5-6


C.H Spurgeon, Morning & Evening Devotional

Photo. Google images: Call to Duty


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