"For several years, I had been feeling very restless about what my mission in life really is.
As my children have gotten older and not completely dependent on me as they were in the past, I really began crying out to God to show me what His mission for my life really is in the remainder of my time on this earth. In the past four months, this cry to God became more fervent and desperate. So you can imagine the joy and expectancy I felt when Dannet mentioned that she was hosting the “This Mission is Possible Workshop”.

My expectancy became apprehension, when Dannet said the workshop may be cancelled due to a low registration turn out. I cried out to God and reminded Him of how much I had been anticipating this workshop and praying that He would meet me there. He answered and we had a one day workshop instead of two.

As far as I am concerned God set up this one day just for me and used Brother Edgar Mitchell and all the other participants to not only sow into my life but also confirmed several things that had been unclear and sometimes confusing before that day, as we put into practice the principles that Brother Mitchell had gone through with us.

God opened my eyes to situations and decisions that both line up with His plans for my life and those that needed to be put aside.

The love and care that I felt from all present that evening continues to add to my strength as I do “my Do Now” in high hopes of when God brings to pass all His plans in my life.
I pray that God will continue to use W.I.F.E. to encourage and meet the needs of His people as we seek Him in transparency."


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