Disciplines of Life: Chapter 6

The start of this Chapter is powerful, do you think so?

" This is embarrassing, but I believe I should tell you...”

“I thought you should know...”
“I’m ashamed to admit it but...”
Confession of sin is a painful discipline. It’s also a doorway to life. If we fail to use this door, we’ll find ourselves stumbling around in the deceitfulness of our own souls.

This weeks Assignment- Chapter 6 <----download the chapter by clicking )
  • Re-read this quote :
"Confession alone makes deep fellowship possible, and the lack of it explains much of the superficial quality so commonly found in our church associations." —Dallas Willard

  • Reflect and Share in the comment section below your thoughts/experience in confessing your sin to a community of like-minded believers.


Jo said…
There were many times when I confessed sin to women around me, especially those whom I knew were strong in the Word. I was always surprised by their reaction. I was re-assured that others struggle with the same sin, that God in His sovereignty is allowing it to happen, and that a harvest of righteousness will grow. The most shocking response - kind of spiritual life changer for me- was, "It's God's grace that He is allowing you to see it as sin." It took me several years to put that one together. But now I see it. If all understanding and insight come from the Lord, it is His insight that is allowing me to see my sin. When I identify something in my life as sin, I can confess, and then that amazing Grace can be grasped. To know and be reminded that I only can bring my words to the table in confession and be reminded by a friend that as far as the east is from the west, so far will my transgressions be removed from me is a treasure. (Psalm 103:12) I am all for confession, and have seen many fruits bud from the work that God does through it.

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