Sister Support

A sister needs our help!

Fellow W.I.F.E. sister needs help to raise the balance of her funds necessary to follow through with their goal to head to Panama from February 1-February 8.

Her daughter, (Daria) has the wonderful opportunity to participate in the New Freedom Theatre Cultural Exchange Program, but an adult must accompany her; hence , Nadine is the parent who is going to be there for 7 days. One of the primary call for support is to make sure they have enough funds to cover their meals which they are rresponsible for .

The vision and execution of this trip, has been a financial press. However, which parent among us is not understanding of the desire to have ones child experience another culture. They have met every deadline with almost no room to spare, and now at the gate of departure they are still in need pf some more encouragement financially.

I need the Women in Fellowship and Encouragement, who will and are able to Donate $5 Today to help sister Nadine Valentine meet her sponsorship needs for heading to Panama on 2/1. Their caravan of students and chaperons leave Philadelphia by bus to VA, then they fly out on 2/2 to Panama. When they do, lets make sure that we had an encouraging role to place in the realization of Nadine and Daria's cultural exchange experience in Panama.

While Nadine is away (8days), her household is also of concern. So I'm also asking for these items to fill a grocers box.

1% or 2% milk
Orange juice
Crystal light/Hawaiian power pks
Wheat Bread
Plain Saltine Cracker
Ritz crackers
Cheese block/slices (variety)
Fruit (apples, oranges, grapes, bananas etc)

Thanks so much for helping me exercise ENCOURAGEMENT THROUGH ACTION!!!!

 If you can do the $5 today , DO SO VIA THE SISTER SUPPORT portal. We will give her the cash and grocers box on Sunday evening (1/29 @ 5)  at our book study.


Thank you !


Thymelygrace said…
Women In FELLOWSHIP and ENCOURAGEMENT, you've done well! We were able to bless sister Nadine with gifts to cheer the spirit and heart. Your response and immediate delight to living in community through your sharing of your time and gifts warms all our hearts.

Thanks to :
Samyra Calhoun
Rochelle Walker- Singleton
Dorothi Vaughn
Izuru Wodi
Andrea Swinton
Edgar Mitchell
Christine Tyler
Charmaine Goldsmith

Your charity with reservation has blessed this family, and etched another mark in the walls of community living.

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