Disciplines for Life, Chapter 5: Fasting:When Hunger=POWER

Meditate on 2 Corinthians 12:9-10. How does our weakness make room for God’s power?

"Behind many of our besetting sins and personal failures, behind the many ills that affect our church fellowships and clog the channels of Christian service...lies that insidious pride of the human heart.... Fasting...is a divine corrective to the pride of the human heart. It is a discipline of the body with a tendency to humble the soul."  Arthur Wallis 


Thymelygrace said…
Romans 12:1

12:1 I appeal to you therefore, brothers,by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.

This chapter is really challenging me to seek the holy spirit's help to fast more consistently, recognising that there is much power available through the the discipline to deny my flesh.
Fasting is not for God, but for my growth, my expansion, my view of God. Fasting is one of the disciplines that helps us quiet our spirits, by decreasing distractions and the cares if the world.

I want to thank the Holy Spirit in advance for help to walk more helpless in this area, to see my need of adding this discipline to my life for growth in being more like Christ. I'm believing now, that this area of my life will bear fruit and a testimony of God's continued care for me. Thank you holy spirit!
Anonymous said…
I agree. Fasting helps me to quiet down and listen. It's amazing that the God of the universe wants to commune with us as it is. I am grateful that fasting helps me to listen. In listening, I allow him to change my life.

This is a rather simple book. However, by purposing to share how it is helping me, I am reminded to slow down. I could read through the book quickly, including all the scriptures labeled for meditation. Or, I could think back to Chapter 1 and ask myself what I was reminded of there. Then Ch 2, then 3...

Our God is so wonderful! And I am grateful that we are being reminded of these disciplines together.
:-) KBG

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