Disciplines for Life: Chapter 3-Prayer, Direct dial to heaven


Anonymous said…
WAIT! /TO REMAIN IN ACTIVE IN READINESS OR EXPECTATION.Good book! I love the MEDITATE scriptures on the side of the pages.I love this to,In your prayer time do we wait on God so he can communicate with us, I highlighted this also.God waits, he'll listen, then we turn around and cut what he need to say to us short. LORD...keep my emotions out of the way! Isaiah 40:31 But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength: they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run and not be weary;and they shall walk and not faint.{AS THE WORLD TURNS} it's important in our daily walk, that we learn to wait,listen to GOD'S response. How else will we know the mind of God if we don't wait for him to communicate. At a young age I watch my elders,parents,grands,and heard about my great grands, SHUT IN AND SHUT DOWN to here from GOD. THIS WAS CALLED THREE DAYS OF ALL NIGHT PRAYER AND FAST{COMMITTED SOULS}. They were powerful men and women led by the SPIRIT OF GOD! I didn;t get it until I started maturing in my walk with CHRIST.I had to learn and impleament this in my life. I am learning and realizing to delay the activties of the body and mind, So that I can SHUT IN, SHUT DOWN AND STILL AWAY, that I may here from GOD.
PRAYER is POWER and waiting on God'S answer is POWERFUL! JUST ASK ELIJAH
Anonymous said…
Here's the best for me last week:

"Unless prayer is a top priority, people just won't pray. Why isn't it our top priority, then? I think I can answer for all of us: pride. We get the foolish idea that we can get along fine without God." p.32

Wow... Is prayer my top priority?

"With daily evaluation comes daily motivation which results, without our even realizing it, in a lifestyle of prayer." p.32

Building a lifestyle of prayer,
:-) KG
Thymelygrace said…
What an awesome Chapter that redirected, centers and engages us on the reason why we pray...its all about relationship! When we relate to God as a person, and we see prayer with God as a conversation , we will probably be more intentional about waiting to hear him speak.
As I read this chapter, I saw that I was often, in prayer, having a one-way dialogue. I was doing most of the talk, and little listening to the person ( God) to whom I was conversing with. How revelatory, is this acknowledgment of my hearts selfishness and strong desire to be heard and to to humble listen.

Quickly, thank God for the power at work in me, I am seeing and treating my relationship with God ( my father)with more deliberate care. More often, for its a day by day effort to train myself, I'm really calling myself to be quiet in my quiet time...so I can listen to my God speak. Amen, Amen!

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