DICIPLINES FOR LIFE:- Chapter 2, week 2

There is no getting around it, living the christian life and experiencing a deeper sense of filling of the Holy Spirit DOES NOT/WILL NOT happen by being good. As we grow in faith, we will all have to enter the gymnasium to exercise of spiritual muscles.

Once we acknowledge that the ONLY THING WE NEED is the Christ, we will need to get on a regimen that keeps us close to the true lover of our souls. To develop a relationship with the Lord, will require :


"Establish a foundation in biblical truth to fuel your spiritual workout"

A. This week, use the COMMENT section below to reflect on how this Chapter is helping you:

1) Acknowledge your need for "training"

2) Establish a foundation in biblical truth to inspire your spiritual workout

3) Pray to your heavenly for his help to keep you in the boot camp of spiritual disciplines

B. Summarize the "secret" of Christ's success? (pgs. 11-12),  and how can these truth help you on your seek to be more Godly.


Train Yourself To Be Godly. This chapter really spoke to me where I live. Practice is key to all things from playing basket play to praying and trying to be a Godly person. I especially liked the point Mahaney made on pg. 10, "Skill is of little value without practice and sacrifice." This statement is so true, so often I've wondered why I wasn't further advanced in certain areas of my life- primarily area that I felt I was exceptionally competent in. Ta-da! I got it! I wasn't dedicated to continually strengthening the skill because I thought, "Oh I'm good enough- let me just work off of that." Not enough practice will definitely stunt you. Now, take this technique, as it applies to prayer, if you only pray when times get rough- not only are you are operating from a place of necessity which can lead to an anxiety filled experience-You are rusty! Daily prayer alleviates that panic driven impulse to pray like your hair's on fire because it's your last resort. Daily prayer is a constant support. I also enjoyed how Mahaney focused on the transformative nature of prayer, "devoting ourselves to the spiritual disciplines" helps us renew our mind/thinking. It will be a great challenge to renew our thinking. It will be hard and possibly painful, but the author says don't focus on forever,ever just begin by focusing on the first 24 hours and then take it day by day. On pages 17 and 18 there are really great tips on how to train yourself to be obedient in your spirituality discipline. Overall, a really well written chapter with lessons that you can apply to all aspects of your life. GM
B. Christ's success was first that he was led by the Holy Spirit, He fasted for forty days and nights, which although it weakened his body it strengthened his mind. This sacrifice and discipline prepared him for his encounter with Satan. Jesus prayed- he went to lonely places and prayed. He sought his father in private.

So in summary...
1. He was led by spirit
2. He sacrificed creature comforts and strengthen his resolve with fasting,
3. He knew his bible and was able to aptly apply verses from Deuteronomy to rebuff Satan.
4. He had an intimate and intense relationship with his father through private prayer.
Anonymous said…
"When we share our needs with others, we receive both encouragement and accountability. What specific spiritual goals could you share with a trusted friend?" p.17

Sometimes we'll know what to do, how to get it done, what to say, when to pray (always)... but maybe find ourselves just not doing it all the time. We could use that bit of encouragement and that accountability.
For example, once I ask you to pray for me, you best believe that I am going to Him for myself, listening, and doing what He has already instructed me to do. (I know you're expecting God to move and so am I.) So, in essence, when the two (or more) of us pray... it's on! Do you know what I mean?
I have heard it said, that "most people's lives are a direct reflection of the expectations of their peer group." And every now and then, I consider who I am allowing to influence me... who's in my peer group.
Well, in this chapter we are instructed to meditate on 1 Peter 1:15-16... God said to be holy. Be holy! So, I welcome people in my peer group who are striving to be like Christ. They hold me accountable for my walk. They encourage me. And, what?!... holiness is still right. ;-) Yes, it is!
:-) KBG
Jo said…
A. I am in total need of training. As when you learn more, the more you realize you don't know, The more I learn about God, the more I realize my need to know Him more. As I grow in faith, I know I need to grow in knowledge of the scriptures and calming my mind from the things of the world, unless they point to the Lord whom created the world.

I love Psalm 19 to remind me how how I need the word.
The law of the LORD is perfect,
reviving the soul;
the testimony of the LORD is sure,
making wise the simple;
the precepts of the LORD are right,
rejoicing the heart;
the commandment of the LORD is pure,
enlightening the eyes;
the fear of the LORD is clean,
enduring forever;
the rules of the LORD are true,
and righteous altogether.
More to be desired are they than gold,
even much fine gold;
sweeter also than honey
and drippings of the honeycomb.
Moreover, by them is your servant warned;
in keeping them there is great reward.
(Psalm 19:7-11 ESV)
I would like to memorize this so remind me when my flesh gets out of line with reading or spending time quietly with the Lord, especially in thought.

B. I love the secret of private practice, and intend to look up the references to where Jesus met with God privately notated in the column. I like how C.J., because I'm a musical theater junkie, spotlights Jesus' audience-free practices, and makes them the real star. The fleeting audience approval will only swell our heads, and the inflations of the heart from spending time with the Lord knows no bounds - and will grow us for an eternity of worshiping the one true God.

I am also struck how he spoke about Jesus having many needs to fill, yet how he prioritized spending quiet alone time with the Lord. I need to work at this. Only one thing is necessary. What a light burden.

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