
Anonymous said…
If I were granted a face-to-face question with God, I would definitely ask him how He felt about all the pain, sin, and devastation caused by man on earth. Slavery. Abortions. Discrimination. Polluted water. Poisoned land. Atom bombs. Nuclear waste. Broken families. Unloved children. Murdered mothers. God, how did you feel when you witnessed all of this?

Jo said…
I would ask, " Lord, how have you been so patient with me? How is it that you know me and my thoughtless ways, and yet have not condemned me but still been thoughtful of me? Although I was thoughtless, you are so thoughtful of me that your thinking of me numbers as the grains of sand on the earth, that you have created and strategically placed. Lord, how can I serve you? How can I be more in tune with what your will is for my life and my family, and how I can best help my husband and teach my children? As I waste my time with how others think of me and comment about me, why are you not saying to me, 'You, child, have gypped me of time! You have not given me glory here or there! ' How is it that you are so wise to teach me the way I need to be taught, and not condemn me. How can I be more like you, Lord?"
Anonymous said…
Face to Face with God, my one question would be. Do I make you proud?
Thymelygrace said…
The question that I'd ask the Lord is ," Father, why after all you do for me, is my heart still so stubborn and I'm still so prone to wonder. Into my own understanding?"
Ultimately, my question is really a plea for my heart to be more faithful and my walk to be more dedicated to the calling of Christ.

To formulate a questions who knows the questons, aches and pains of my heart is almost a ridiculous idea ; for even behind my questions, he knows the true condition of my soul. So, as I'm writing this, I hear the Holy Spirit ask, "how do you eradicate sin? , and I am again humbled, because in my moment of reflection I see clearly that, the true question really is, "how do I/we resist the sin, which is crouching at my door?"

Lord, by your divine rule and authority in our lives, assist us as we submit to you our whole being. Father, truly lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one...for thine O'Lord is the kingdom, the power and glory forever Amen!
Anonymous said…
My one question would be, "Lord, do I get another chance to do it right?"

Anonymous said…
God...I never realized that when I clung to the scripture.."and Enoch walked with God", as I have been seeking for a more intimate relationship with you, that this narrow path would have me disconnected more and more from being a people pleaser! God, who do you want me to give hope to? CG
Anonymous said…
"How am I doing?"
- KG

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