Ladies, I am so excited to gather tomorrow! I cannot believe we are embarking upon the close of a powerful and gratifying year of ministry together. The year Two Thousand and Eleven (2011), has been a year of ministry and personal discovery for all who committed to taking the journey of Seeking Him.

As we sought the Lord together, week after week we were blessed by the Almighty to find true fellowship and biblical accountability. The blessing of the Lord transformed our discussions, redefined our engagement of each other and a deeper passion for living in a community based on biblical truth.

I am so grateful to God for all the wonderful women I've met this year, and now we have started on an exciting spiritual journey together. May the Lord add more of his richness to our fellowship. May he continue shed light on our truest intentions and motives . May we all marvel in the glories of Calvary together. See you in 2012, and please continue to pray for the new territory God is taking W.I.F.E. !


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