Friday, September 16, 2011 @ 7:30 pm.
Journal entry 3: My Mask is off, now what?

We had the most wonderful, dynamic, free flowing, spirit inspired time of fellowship Friday night! I awoke on Saturday morning with worship music in my head, and avcall to live a more transparent life before God and m fellow co-laborers in Christ.

Ladies, God did it again! He never fails to enter in, sit in the midst and overwhelm us with his love. His love is what helps us take off our masks. His love and only his love, tears down our walls, the bridges we have built to create physical distance between us and others; the lies we tell about who we are, and what we want people to believe!

On Friday evening, we were reminded that for true fellowship to happen, and relationships to be formed , we must be transparent. The real deal is that when we take off our masks, and stop being the "great pretender of all things well and holy", we quickly realize that we are not alone in our struggles and challenges. We also find destined partners who will rejoice when we rejoice, cry when we cry, and mourn when we mourn... this is the great hope and comfort of the Holy Spirit.  People are God's hands and heart in the earth. You may have been hurt, disappointed by the hands of many, but you can also be healed by hands sanctioned to lead you back to healing and wholeness in Christ.

Please, take off the masks we wear to cover up ( pride, fear, abuse, anxiety, loss, poverty, abandonment, lack of love, betrayal, depression, insecurity,lack of faith....)

May God's love be light to every dark creepy room in your temple. As you begin to be honest with him, he will illuminate every area that needs transformation and deliverance! May you experience God's truth; therefore, leading you into all truth. "


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