STOP-REVIEW & PROCESS Focus Group was a Success! Thx Seekers!

Thanks to Charmaine Goldsmith, host of our STOP-REVIEW-PROCESS Seeking Him focus group, our time of intentional study and sharing served to be quite beneficial to the soul. As we gathered on Monday, September 5, 2011, I don't know if we all anticipated how a more in depth discussion on Holiness, Forgiveness and Obedience would fortify our hearts as it did. God's Word -Truth met us, and illuminated our minds!

A powerful testimony of God's faithfulness to provide everything we need.  Not one of the ladies left empty. Glory be to God and divine son Jesus!

We are still pausing this week! This book study is no quick trip, so buckle up and prepare to a road trip into the depths of your soul! Some of us are truly experience the grace of God to show us ourselves, and as we see ourselves as God sees us...we are freed from the oppression of unforgiveness, pride,dishonesty,disobedience and a lot more strongholds!

Let's remember sanctification is a life long process and as we all seek to walk more consistently in Obedience, Forgiveness and Honesty, let us pray for each other's strength.


Anonymous said…
Well, Moving a little slow but still making porgress. Just finished Honesty with my daughter. It was awesome. Painful at times, hard to hear, say and admitt to somethings....but healing has started!!!This chapter helped both of us to get rid of some extra weight. I am GREATFUL!!!

Anonymous said…
@Nadine, Praise God!
:-) kbg
Anonymous said…
Dannet, So happy that you decided to do the Seeking Him book as a group study! It was this study that drew me to WIFE. I gave 4 copies away to friends and told many others about the study. To God be the glory! :-) kbg

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