Seeking Lsn 10:-SEXUAL PURITY:The Joy of Moral Freedom

The psalmist prayed, "How can [one] keep his way pure? By guarding it according to your word. with my whole heart I seek you; let me not wonder from your commandments!" Ps. 119:9-10

Write a prayer asking God to guard your heart and make and keep you morally pure.


Anonymous said…
...I am about to dive into Sexual Purity...but I just want to share with the 5:45 prayer and this hunger for PRAYER...I no longer waste time with, I mean I would sleep with remote in my hand knowing numbers to push in the dark! Yes his word is still true..if you seek me, you will find me...Lord thy face, thy truth..I am seeking.."SEEKING HIM"..what a blessing. Please share what God is transforming in your life...Charmaine "Mom G'..has trully been put to the challenge of ACCOUNTABILITY..and I am grateful..A fresh start..FORGIVENESS...45 wasted yrs...THANK YOU LORD FOR YOUR GRACE!
Anonymous said…
When I started this chapter, I knew there would be points that would be applicable to other areas of life in addition to sexual purity. Of the 12 safeguards outlined in Days 4 and 5, my two picks were:

8: Renew your mind with the Word of God.
12: Rely on the Holy Spirit.

To live a life pleasing to God, I need to renew my mind with the Word and rely on Holy Spirit's power. (all day everyday) I cannot be reminded of this too much.
:-) kbg

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