Seeking Him Lsn 9:- FORGIVENESS:Setting Your Captives Free

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you" (Ephesians 4:32)

Now really? really? Must I really let my captives go? Yes, I/you must! For God in Christ has forgiven me/you of so much, we who have grieved the Holy Spirit, we who have offended God and violated all his lawas and statues...He in compassion and care, forgave us!
See Isaiah 55:3-7; Psalm 22:6-7,16 for some of the ways we have hurt Jesus Christ.

I know at times in the deep recesses of our being  we do want to comply with Ephesians 4:32; yet , it iften seems to hard to open the doors and set that captives we've collected over the years free. But we must obediently respond to the Lord's mandate to forgive. Forgiveness brings  a sense freedom with eternal value and personal vindication that can only be scripted by God.

KEY POINT: As forgiven people, we must be willing to forgive others.


Anonymous said…
OUCCHHHHH..after pray this morning (Friday)... I saw some things I realized I still had to let DIE, DIE, DIE as tears ain't no joke when you are serious for's like pushing a baby..out..PUSH PUSH PUSH and LET IT GO...we serve a ...Father who knows all and sees all...NOTHING GETS PAST HIM THAT CONCERNS HIS CHILDREN..breathe....that's when the true healing begins to LIVE THE ABUNDANT LIFE WITH NO CHAINS....don't get it twisted..yup..its a DAILY THING...last lesson...I've just been SMH..but thank you Lord..I'm making self correction even if I have to grit my teeth...Mom G (Charmaine)
Anonymous said…
The Forgiveness lesson has really hit home for me. Through prayer and walking with the spirit, I was led to forgive a close friend who stole a large amount of money from me. But...the Lord told me to let go. To stop asking about the debt. To stop talking about the friend negatively (also a sin). And to just trust that my Father covers me, even after I've been wronged. I feel freedom now. And I've learned a wonderful lesson - forgiving people are also forgiven people.

~Keisha Gilchrist-Broomes
Thymelygrace said…
I'm so grateful for how the Holy Spirit has been working on each one of us in the deep crevices, the bible calls it "our inner part" of our being, for that's where God wants to bring light. These days of tilting has been for our good, it ha...s cause many of us to shed, strip clean of the many sin(pride, guilt,unforgiveness,disobedience,unholiness, an unrepented heart) that have so easily beset us! These things/sins have been slowly killing us; but Christ revealed through study and prayer has come to give us life and that more abundantly. Thank-you Lord, that you'd not leave us in our present state. The plans you have for us are good and not evil...its to prosper us and add years to our life...a life dedicated to you and your service.
Talia Costa said…
I need my sisters to help me through this chapter. Please pray for me. I think I have forgiven then God shows me the layers of forgiveness and judgements and other besetting sins in my life. I don't need the faith but the obedience to follow and trust God. I am sure this thing will happen again and again and each time I want to run to the throne of grace and receive mercy and grace in my time of need and to see my awesome forgiveness from God. Whom am I but a sinner like the debtor in the parable, how dare I to hold someone else accountable when God has released me of so much.
Anonymous said…
On Day 5, I read: "Thank God for each person who has wounded you, for they are His instruments to sanctify you -- to mold and conform you to the image of Jesus."

This is true, but easier to see a distance in time from the offense. I am so grateful to God that I can see this now.

During the time spent meditating on forgiveness, many ways to show love and work on restoration have come to mind. Thanking God for this as well.
:-) kbg

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