Women in Fellowship and Encouragement's Inaugural Prayer  Breakfast help on July 9,2011 at the Crowne Plaza West, 4010 City Ave Philadelphia PA was a huge success and continues to send reverberating actions through the body of women who were gathered there.

A big thank you to the most AWESOME, DYNAMIC, DELIGHTFUL, READY -TO-SERVE , GOT MY BACK posse of W.I.F.E. ladies! We give God his due honor, and in my second breath, I lift each of you up to HIM who is able to keep you and perfect you and present you blameless before the all wise and holy God.

Ladies, your love and support for W.I.F.E. encourages amd empowers me to keep surrendoring to God. Today, is day to celebrate you faithfulness to W.I.F.E.! When God design ministry, he also designed people to minister to...this is a continuous loop. You each have a distinctive gift that in return for W.I.F.E ministering to then reflect (shine) back on W.I.F.E. through your collective wisdom, experiences, time and resources.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank You, you all make Fellowship so sweet, I hate to leave your company. Today's encounter would not have been the same without the valuable time and service of the:

Prayer Warriors: All the ladies who dare to wake up 5:45 M-F; stay up for prayer 8:30pm Mondays Nights and travailed at 6am Sunday mornings. I thank you for catching the urgency for prayer. I salute also, those who were faithful to pray and fast off these call lines. PRAYER IS OUR ACCESS TO great and Mighty things--Don't stop prayering now...let's turn the thermosat a notch higher!

Spirit- led Event Marketing Innovators :(You tagged, posted,reposted, called, pursued). Pastor Martina Mitchell, Evangelist Samyra Calhoun, Kinzya Grant, Pastor Charmaine Goldsmith

Divine Connection (you were not selfish in pushing your people to partake) Pastor Martina Mitchell of Master Builders North and Chosen Generation to include Raven Clark*; Pastor Charmaine Goldsmith, Abundant Life Community Outreach Ministries. * Keyboard Talent for the event. Evangelist Samyra Calhoun-Covenant House of Worship to include Minister Tiffany Ashton (Dance Ministry) , thanks to Georgina Harris for being instantly availabe to serve by ministering through dance.

The Responsive Heart to serve: ( Hosts/hostesses, registration, overall program execution)

Edgar A Mitchell Jr., Nichole Mitchell, Keisha Gilchrist Broomes. Angela Goldston, Stephanie Fitzgerald, Monica Taylor, Michelle Haynes, Samyra Calhoun, Martina Mitchell, Charmaine Goldsmith, Deidre Randolf, Rochelle Walker, Dee Sellers, Tara Bulter-Caldwell, Theresa Mason, Yvonne Holland and Jennifer Hunter-Tolland.

Beloved, I have a humbling revere for the God in you! I cannot do this by a matter of fact, I DO NOT WANT TO DO W.I.F.E. by myself, so I will continue to solicit your help, advice,counsel, friendship, love, grace, prayers, patience and more love! As W.I.F.E grows, we all grow together. I will not be happy if one is left behind. Saturday was great, 120 ppl fellowshipped with us...phenomenal; but don't get confused, W.I.F.E is still grassroots!
Our core mission is still developing!... yes! we may reap more coming to visit and or connect; but we will still take our time to enjoy fellowship and build strong relationships. I do not want to loose that vision; neither should you! True fellowship and encouragement cannot realistically happen in the masses, it happens through programming life N.O.T.E. Let's celebrate God's faithfulness, but let's get on the blog and check out the calendar for the next 6mths, and plan to get back to knowing each other more! Let's jump back into our reading of Seeking Him Chapter 7, let's be more motivated to get up and pray...LET US DO OUR part so that God is pleased to do HIS!

I love you all and thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Encouragement is Contagious, SPREAD IT!




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