SEEKING HIM UPDATE!!!! Please read carefully!!!!


As we study grace this week , July 25-31, we are once again reminded of the urgency to let God's truth dwell in us richly! These lessons are so rich, provoking, and engaging, it would be careless, even negligent in not letting the depth of wisdom and knowledge saturate or very being.
We really need to Review where we've been Lesson 1-8, Process the gravity of truth being poured into us and then allow ourselves the opportunity to take these truths and Apply then in our daily living.

It makes no sense to rush throught the material for the sake of finishing. Our hearts and souls need revival, a change! For lasting change or transformation these truths must begin to work so deep , til' our behaviors are different and we look different to each other, our families and community.

In light of this STOP-REVIEW-PROCESS -APPLY, please adhere to this new study schedule:

7/25-7/31:- Lesson 8- Clear Conscience

8/1-8/7 :-  STOP-REVIEW-PROCESS -APPLY WEEK. Spend this week to pray, and lay before the Lord, asking for transformation of your mind, soul, body. That Lesson 1-5 will take root in your life!

8/8-8/14 :- ALL BLOG REFLECTIONS OF your STOP-REVIEW-PROCESS, if you are yet to blog about your processing of the study (Lsn 1-8) please! use this week to catch up on reflecting and posting!
There are over a dozen women actively studying the book, but we seem to have a poor reflection in our faithfulness to post our comments for the edification, and equiping of our sisters through our testimonials of how God's has met us via Seeking him!

8/15-8/21 :- Lesson 9-Forgiveness

8/22-8/28 :- Lesson 10 -Sexual Purity

8/29-9/4:- Lesson 11-The Spirit-filled Life

9/5-9/11:-  Lesson 12-Personal Devotional Life

Saturday , September  16, 2011 Book Study Celebration!
Time and Place will be announced by  8/22 (Lesson 10)


rd said…
Thanks for posting this. I personally was behind in the reading and was feeling a little rushed to get it done.
Anonymous said…
"Responding to God is more important than whatever you were planning on doing next. If God is speaking, the time to respond is now." (Repentance: Day 5: Making It Personal)

Yes, thanks for adding this "Apply Week" to the study schedule. :-) kbg
Anonymous said…
The lessons have been giving me balance..thank you
Anonymous said…
The lessons have help me spend more time in word of God. Thanks
Anonymous said… I reveiwed the first 6 lessons..OMGoodness..well Revival, Honesty and Repent...have lead me to much hidden, plastered junk in my spirit that had hindered continued growth in my life. My word for this year was SELF CORRECT...and God keep me accountable to do just that. We soooo often want GOD TO DO...SHOW UP....GLORY CLOUD...when if we would just be OBIDIENT to what he has placed in our hands "Prayer- Lord teach us to war" he has given us the blue print...just activate it. Well GOD, W.I.F.E, you have challenged this woman of God, Charmaine, SELAH...he that hath begun a good work in you, shall complete it..but I MYSELF MUST ..lay aside every weight and the sin(s) that so easily beset me (you). I have been REVIVED to be HONEST to REPENT to FORGIVE to be let's get it moving.."Mom G" is still learning..
Anonymous said…
Since doing the lessons of SEEKING HIM..the three lessons that have stood out are REVIVAL, HONESTY & heart gripping and challenging for me to activitate my own declared words for this year SELF CORRECTION..which has lead me to my knees to ask for for FORGIVENESS TO FORGIVE..such liberation..Mom G is still SEEKING HIM to get this thing RIGHT..Charmaine is walking in the declaration..BEHOLD I WILL DO A NEW THING...if you let me.

~Charmaine Goldsmith

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