Seeking Him-Lsn 3: HONESTY

Memory Verses: "Whoever conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will obtain mercy"

-Proverbs 28:13

Are there any area your lifet hat is personifying the lyrics from the Platters hit song, "The great Pretender?"


Thymelygrace said…
I am sitting here re-reading Isaiah 6:1-7, like Isaiah recognizing the awesomeness of God's holiness and acknowledging the dept of my sin! Heart broken at how we are such "great pretenders" woe!woe!
Dear Lord, help me to be HONEST about my true spiritual condition. Father , let all the seekers who dare to cry out for revival experience your truth and be revived!
Deliah Lewis said…
As I wrapped up Day 3: Walking in the Light, I must confess that I need the Lord to work on me as I bare my sinful nature before him. Lead me in thy truth as I continually work on being honest with you, myself, family and friends. Father I ask that you pour your mercy over me as I struggle to stay on the lighted path. Thank you for showing mercy to an unworthy soul. Glory be to God
Anonymous said…
HONESTLY, the first chapter (Revival) was the easiest chapter so far on which to post a comment. "Will my comment sound prideful when I comment on Humility?" "How Honest can I be on a blog that is potentially seen by everyone with internet access?"
To be totally HONEST, I hesitated about joining fb and posting comments there as well because that meant others could forever see my words. But the truth is... I need Jesus and I need revival!! That's it and that is all! I decided that posting a comment on every chapter will force me to reflect and get more out of the study.
Perhaps someone else feels the same way I do.

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. - James 1:22

This is the verse that stood out the most to me in Lesson 3. It's a short verse that I have memorized. Yet every time I hear or read it, it forces me to ask myself whether I am a "doer" or am I just lying to myself. I love it for the spiritual check! I find that once I am honest with myself, I can be honest with God.

The part about being honest with others... There is a question in this lesson that reads: "What can we do to create greater freedom in the body of Christ to be honest with each other?" When I read it, I immediately thought of what drew me in at the first June N.O.T.E. event. Our hostess shared that she acknowledged a fear, gave it to God and is running on! I have had to do this so many times and I was immediately reminded and encouraged to do it AGAIN! Glory to God!
:-) kbg
Anonymous said…
Linda Costa has left a new comment on your post "Seeking Him-Lsn 3: HONESTY":

God is so very good to us. How freeing transparency can be. Let Him do this thing in us so we can rest more securely in Him. Less to carry, to worry about, no image to uphold, not looking over your shoulder. Just looking ahead to Him. Lord help us to be brutally honest with You and ourselves.
Anonymous said…
Amen! :-) kbg

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