As we seek the Lord, there is a stretching of dormant  muscles, peeling off, grinding down of the flesh, a forsaking of old ideas and perspectives,
a  laying aside the weigh of unforgiveness, malice, discontentment, grudges, judgement, and pride

God is so good and righteous! He wants us whole; therefore HE requires us to repent and draw nigh to him. Do you want to experience God's glory? Do you want, like Isaiah (Is. 6:1-7) to see the glory of the Lord fill your temple (your church home, your home, your person)? Well, submit to the stretching, peeling off of the old man, and the grinding of the flesh!

This journey to seek the Lord in deeper depths has us all backing up our stance to the basic reality of recognizing our sin. We have for too long danced, flirted, tried to escape the root (r-u-t) of our sin issue. As a matter of fact, many of us have rightfully and respectfully buried you own sin...believing that if we simply say "ashes to ashes and dust" to dust they'll be no more. Or perhaps, we believe if it cannot be seen or if we don't talk about, then it will disappear! well that is Mistake 101.

Sin will not disappear...poof! No it will not! It must be dealt with! I must be confessed to God and others for true accountability. All of us need a dose of reality---SIN CORRODES, CLOGS,CONTAMINATES and COAGULATES the fluidity of our activity in the spirit realm.  It requires faith in the truth that we serve a righteous and forgiving God. A God who didn't save his own Son, but scarified him for our sins; that we may have more access to the King of Kings, the Lord of Lord.

Seeing sin for what is really is, is step 1, now we must vigorously move to step 2: Confession and Repentance, which launches us in step 3: God's Forgiveness and step 4: A eagerness/hunger and thirst to stay in the arms of the Savior!
The road to revival starts with an exposed heart! A recognition of known sin, and a confession-REPENTANCE!

The following is a devotional sent to me by W.I.F.E leading lady Kinzya Grant. It so supports our week 4 Lsn: REPENTANCE!

Click here link to read and advance your study!


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