UPDATES 5/9-5/15

Family, if you have not been encountering our Lord through prayer as you should, here's an oppoortuntiy to do so. There is power in us coming together to pray. As a matter of fact, God says he's in the midst when two or more are gathered in his name. We are living in perilious times my friends, don't get worried or dispair...IT IS TIME TO PRAY!

W.I.F.E Biggest Loser & Spiritual Challenge, Begins today!

email Angela Grandy Goldston for the Biggest Loser, $20 Participation Fee & email Stephanie Fitzgerald for the Spiritual Challenge (NO ASSOCIATED cost, just a written testimony at the end of 4 weeks). Ladies, we are about caring for our temples (the body is the Temple of the Living God). Please get on the ball and SIGN UP TODAY! We will meet for fellowship in 4 weeks to testify of God's faithfulness, as we seek to be faithful in being WELL and WHOLE!

DON'T MISS OUT ON OUR UPCOMING Prayer Breakfast, Tickets are now available for purchase at http://www.mitchellcircletalk.eventbrite.com/

Thanks to all the women who have already purchased their ticket (s).  Ladies, let us not wait til last minute.  WE NEED TO SECURE 100 prayer warriors!
So please get busy spreading the word, and inviting your friends and family.

As a matter of fact, give the gift of prayer to someone!



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