Seeking Him Book study: Lesson 2-HUMILITY

Memory Verse:
"For every one who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted. (Luke 14:11)

2 Chronicles 7:14, God convicts his people of their sins and beckons them to return to Him. This is a very familiar passage from scripture which tells us how we should respondto God if we wish to experience the revival He desires to send.

1) What are the conditions God sets forth for His people in the Scripture passage?

2)What does this scripture bring to bear in your life right now?

For further reading and study on humility
Add C.J. Mahaney's book on HUMILITY-to your library.


deliah Lewis said…
What a simple word, yet it is the basis for being a steward of GOD. I wasn't always humble and at times I find myself invisioning someone singing my praises on my behalf. I wonder is that considered pride??? During college and even immediately after graduating I would tell anyone who would listen that I put myself through school and worked 60 hrs weekly while being a full time student. All that is true, but as I got closer to GOD I realized that he was the one who placed people and certain opportunities in my path. It wasn't a Deliah ONLY show, it was the grace of GOD. My parents couldn't help, but there was that guidance counselor who exposed me to available resouces that I took advantage of. My heavenly father, please continue to work on me and help me to continually humble myself, pray and seek your face always. In Jesus's name. AMEN
Thymelygrace said…
As I review and meditate on 2 Chronicles 7:14, I am grieved at my sin, and see how I have followed the leading of the flesh in many areas of my life. Often it is not blatant (visible) sin; but it is the inconspicuous (hidden) sin that wreaks the most havoc on our souls and separates us from God.
In the scripture passage, I see that God is calling-drawing me nigh and setting the stage for my soul to be revived. He says, (1) humble myself [I am examine how have I exalted myself, how do I walk in haughtiness]. (2) Pray [how have I neglected to pray for myself and other], (3) Seek [How am I not in a consistent seek mode] his face (4) Turn [I need to commit to turning from my waywardness and return once again to my first love].
This scriptures charges bear heavy on my soul, not in condemnation; yet it bring enlightenment as to how God desires fellowship and for me to be in right standing with him. It points me to the grace that God has established for me to return to him! Thank you Lord! You are faithfully committed to me a sinner, and I thank you!
Thymelygrace said…
Deliah, you are so right, what a simple word with such grand implications and adverse consequences when not adhered to. The Lord required and is please with he/she who has a contrite and low spirit.

I find in my life, as you so rightly stated, I can even overlook acts of pride, because they seem so justifiably right. Our accomplishments, the tasks we finish triumphantly, our goals realized can be a great opportunity to boast in our abilities and draw attention to our competency.So easily, these victorious moments in our lives--and well earned ofcourse--can tempt us to cross the very thin line between pride and humility. Lord, help us, lest we cross over into a place of self sufficiency.

I know I can and often be guilty of getting lost in my accomplishments and chart them on a billboard high for the world to see. If I am not careful it then promotes boasting and a freedom to compare others to my standard of success;therefore becoming a matter of the heart: pride.
Lord, use these Lsns to make us more and more aware of subtle and blatant acts of pride that seeks to corode our hearts and deny us of living in humility. Father, search us all in the areas, because pride separates us from you. You desire us to have a meek, teachable spirit. Amen.
Anonymous said…
Thus says the LORD: "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom, Let not the mighty man glory in his might, Nor let the rich man glory in his riches; But let him who glories glory in this, That he understands and knows Me, That I am the LORD, exercising lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness in the earth. For in these I delight," says the LORD. - Jeremiah 9:23-24

Deliah and Dannet, there is a song called "I Will Boast" (Paul Baloche) that is taken from this scripture. That's what I was reminded of when I read your posts. :-) kbg
Anonymous said…
During our last N.O.T.E. session, God met us in prayer. I mean, He was THERE in the room! While in His presence, I became aware that there were a couple of areas in my life that I needed to surrender to Him, yet again. It was as if He turned on a flashlight and showed me a locked door in my heart! I was overwhelmed... humbled. He wants our ALL. Thanks Lord!!! :-) kbg

Search me, O God, and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting. ~Psalm 139:23-24

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