As I was in prayer yesterday and this morning, the spirit of the Lord has prompted me to pray regarding the single women in our midst, for the state of our marriages and also the emotions that we as women harbor from year to year- "A Woman's heart"

So, In the name of Jesus I lift up all our relationships and their direction towards holiness and identity in you Lord. I pray for every single woman associated with W.I.F.E., that she be kept and sealed in the Holy Spirit for purity until that day when you Lord would bring Boaz to the forefront. I pray that the single's heart be comforted, and that she will experience confidence in allowing you to be her joy and satisfy her needs according to your riches in glory.

Father in the Name of Jesus, and his precious blood we come against the lust of the flesh and the world. I pray that Jesus being the lover of our souls will quench the desires of your hearts and bring you peace and contentment in the truth that God's perfect will is being worked in your life. I pray that as you wait patiently on the Lord, you will be surrounded by true and faithful friends, friend strong in integrity, I pray that God will raise up a standard of gentleness, kindness, self-control in your life that you will only attract suitors who themselves are under the scope of your heavenly father. We come against every counterfeit suitor, who seeks to bring you shame, distress, sadness and steal your testimony.

May the Lord's standard and mark on your life attract only the men that will add value and complete the vision and plans God have for you. May he who comes knocking at the door of your hearts be your kinsman redeemer, and that no matter your age, or what hour this is in your life as a single, the Lord will heal and restore you because you sought to love HIM and serve HIM as you waited. May the Lord illuminate your mind through the study of his word, and open your eyes of discernment; may your words be savory and delightful to the Lord. May you actions and conduct bring praise to your heavenly father in Jesus' Name.

In the same fervor and passion, I pray for all the married women of W.I.F.E. that our lives and marriages are an admired asset to the glory of God, demonstrating God's eternal example of Christ (groom) and the church (bridegroom). May the Lord humble us in our marriages and all the issues that have caused loved to cease, the accusations, mistrusts, disappointments, fear, lack of intimacy, lack of laughter and friendship CEASE NOW… In Jesus' name.

I pray a prayer of reconciliation and recovery. Too many of our marriages are masked in deception, which is intended to fool others that we are doing well; but it is we who are deceived! Father, rain down your mercy on these husbands and wives now, who need a good measure of transparency and accountability. Father , let us be broken and lowly to recognize in times of challenge that we (husbands and wives) are both sinners in need of your constant and sustaining love.

May we not attempt to be judge and juror at the first incident of sinful behavior. Lord, cause us to apply grace and mercy and be committed to dwell in understanding and compassion towards each other. Father, I pray for spouses who need salvation, for we know you desire that we be evenly yoked together in love.

Father I pray that our practice of studying your word and our daily practice to pray and give you praise is an example to our spouses who needs to know you more. The bible states that women through her conduct can draw her spouse closer to you. Let us , --please O’ Lord we need your help-- have strength, courage in this area to bite our lips, and consider our words, as often this is often where wars are waged…through our words. Father, tame the tongue, as inly you can do. The bible states that tongue is a wild beast, untamed fire; we need your help Lord to tame this beast! Lord we so desire your guidance in our marriages, because we realize that generational impact we will have in our families. It’s not just about us (husband and wives), it’s about our children and our children’s children. We stand bold and come to the throne of grace because we need to procure the future, and leave a legacy for our children. May the testimonies of our faith and belief in you to sustain us and our marriages be a guiding light to our children in their lives.

Lord, have mercy on us! We are sinners, who often lose sight of your plans for us, and become influenced by world views. I pray for the minds of husbands and wives, may our minds be renewed. Father, I pray too for the purity of husband and wife in their marriages. Father I come against the lusts and perversions of the world that comes into our homes unexpectedly and unintentionally. Father, I pray that we become more proactive in protecting our eye and ears gates, not allowing just anything (movies, music, language, ideas, and suggestive media content) to pass through and pass through consistently. Let us be vigilant in not touching unclean things, especially in the areas of entertainment. Father, let us establish perimeters for holiness according to your WORD, and cry out loud…seeking boldly and intimidated as Joshua did, “As for me and my house we will serve the Lord”.

Lord, I lift up to you the women who are struggling with pass hurts, disappointments, abuse, neglect, abandonment-- which are echoing loud and anxious consequences in their present lives. Lord, may your blood that washes whiter than snow, the blood that heals-- run over these your beloved now to cleanse and make them whole in you. Let every mistake, every decision that was or has been made in the flesh be forgotten and remembered no more. Father, purify these precious ones, hold them close and remind them of your care. There some women being plagued by the memories of the pass, which has them hostage and bars them from moving confidently into their future, Lord, minister your truth to these women.

Lord, in all things we give you thanks and praise. We exalt your name, for you are worthy to be praised. Lord, we thank you for all that you have planned for us. We trust you with our pass, present and future. Your perfect will be done in our lives. We rely on you to change us, restore us, guide us and keep us. Lord, we thank you for what you’ll do for the singles, for marriages and for our state of being in Jesus’ name. To

God be the glory!


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