Mom, take time to be mom!

Dannet, What do you mean, take time to be a mom? That's what I do all day. Take heart beloved, I can relate to this first response; however, let's look a little deeper.
What I mean is, or trying to encourage us all to do is to intentionally take time to be with, and enjoy those little ones who qualifies us as moms.

Yesterday, we celebrated Mother's Day 2011, and as I enjoyed the benefits of motherhood... hubby and children honoring and celebratring all I do for them, and are to them. I was so gently advised by the Holy Spirit of how in all the things I do, and are to my family, I have often neglected the most important and valued characteristic that builds profound and lasting memories. That missing or deprioritize trait is a mom who knows when to stop the business and cuddle up with the children, read and play with no pending agenda beckoning me to hurry so I can get back to my tasks.
As my Mother's Day celebration wound down, the family had a movie date in our family room; however, with Monday lurking within a few hours, I was overcome with the chores list and unfinished domestic obligations. As I busied myself with chore after chore, tension built with my children who began to express their desire for me to sit, "come watch the movie mommy", they chimed." I want my mommy", whined my daughter, who just wanted to end the day close to me.

To all these expressions, my response was sinful frustration and irritation! Can you imagine that ? My children wanted nothing more than continuing to adore and get close to me ; yet, with my mind focused on my list of chores, I responded with irritation, "y'all just dont get it, do y'all. I have things to do! As a matter of fact I can get the movie, by just listening."

To make this situation even more ridiculous, I'm the one who invited them l to a movie. What am I thinking here? Point to be made here, as legitimate as my chores and responsiblies are, the holy spirit, chided me in that very moment that I was making them more capital than serving my children in a way that mattered more.
Imagine, the spirit continue if your heavenly was always to bush creating, fulfilling, directing his creation and creatures, that when we called upon him, his response was, "I'll be right there, and never came, or when we needed to feel close to him, he comforted us by saying, " you'll be ok, just know I'm here." Wow! I love how the Holy Spirit keeps it real with me, because, immediately, I stopped, got my evening snack and climbed up in my cozy spot ( fully prepared by the kids, with pillows and blanket, tv tray for my snacks) on the sofa. Wow! Finally settled in with the family, we enjoyed 2 hrs of laughter and Mitchell commentary. My children eventually, faded into slumber satisfied. For them, their need was mom's presence physically and mentally. No more competing with my do now list!  Truth, I too was comforted.
The take away point here, which I'm sure you've perceived by reading thus far, is that reaching balance in our lifestyles is the safest, most comforting, satisfying place to dwell. Too much focus in any one area, or not having guidelines for your priorities can lead to deficiencies in your life.

Sent from my HTC on the Now Network from Sprint!


Tamika said…
Thank you for this article! I am also guilty of putting my kids off to finish my chores. It is so sweet when I still away from the business to spend time with them. They so gratefully adore me with I love you mom, thanks so much for spending time with me. Help me Jesus to DAILY take time to ENJOY motherhood.

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