What really happens when a caterpillar goes through the transforming process to become a butterfly? Have you had tthe privilege to witness this process? How God in his wisdom and care takes the Caterpillar, already a wonder, with its distinct body form, movement, and character to a state to immobility and rest. What may seem like a dead situation; since when the Caterpillar begins to change it is blanketed in a web like cloth that Chrysalises and cocoon the insect beautifully. Often, this process of change can be seen majestically hanging from a branch, or a stem in a garden; yet often so camouflaged it can be overlooked.

Does this sound like your life? Do you feel there  is a soft web wrapping your life due to past abuses, stresses, disappointments, regrets, can't seem to get it right opportunities...? Well there is reason to hold on! The Chrysalis stage of the caterpillar's transformation can be liken to the refining fire of the Lord. In this stage when the war of the flesh (combination of arbitrary life experiences and situations of our choosing) rages a  fight with the soul. We can be certain that we are being refined. When our temptations are more clear in view and we have to make Christlike decisions regarding what to do next...oh yes, refining! When we are stilled, and called to accountability for our actions, and challenges to reconsider our ways...morphing. 

Often we think we have a choice about what comes our way? Does the Caterpillar? I don't think so! In the cycle of life, we think we choose, but we don't ! Really, if you had to choose your life story, would you choose all the things that have happened in your life? No you wouldn't!  The really in this really sticky Caterpillar situation-transformation is that the story does not end at Chrysalis, as a matter of fact a new beginning is being developed. A new start is a about to emerge. Within a few short weeks, the Chrysalis will be  more more, however, in its place is a completely different creature (creation), a butterfly emerges and flutters so distinctly, amazingly and gracefully! Even the most well planned and articulate science lesson cannot truly describes what happens in this process. This change is so God inspired, God engineered, and influenced to perfection that it blows your natural mind, because no two butterfly looks exactly alike!
I'm about to leap in the air with joy and praise to God. God is so awesome! In spite of all that happens in my Chrysalis refining stage, God had a bigger, more graceful , redemptive end to my story. No matter how trapped, or lost I've felt, regardless of the battle scars to prove I've been in a fight...God has a more glorious plan for my life...he is working on me! His plans for my life is for good, he wants to prosper me , and to bring be into HIS expected end...G-L-O-R-Y!

Metamorphosis story wrap-up: Yesterday evening (5/4/2011) at the Haverford Ave Library, I was a witness to the emergence of a butterfly. New to many of us in the W.I.F.E. circle, Lisa Gore, a very exciting, real, and hungry and thirsty for God's truth woman of God presented her second book signing of her life story to an audience. As Lisa read about life experiences that would have crushed most, it was absolutely spiritually moving to see her glow, and hear her confidence in the transforming power of the Gospel . Her book, Colors of a Butterfly promises to a be a thrilling, eye opening and redemptive read.  Praise God for Lisa's testimony! I believe her life story will be an aggressive tool to really minister to women and young girls.
Congratulations Lisa! You are a beautiful butterfly!


I purchased my book today at the prayer breakfast and I look forward to curling up with it this evening. Lisa, thank you so much for opening your life and sharing your testimony with us to read and grow from. And Dannet, you wonderful sister in Christ thank you for introducing this wonderful woman into my life!

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