HE LIVES, HE LIVES , What a Glorious Thought !

Good Tuesday everyone! After an awesome celebration of our RISEN KING on Sunday, I feel so full of thankfulness and hope for your future and all that the Lord has in store for me. Imagine the low and despised has the opportunities to dine in the presence of a mighty King. The blemished and stained has been washed in the most cleansing potion and cure of man's depraved soul.

Do you not hear heaven's bells calling, and the angels singing...signaling the victory that was secured for our souls. No longer slaves to sin, but overcomers because Christ Jesus paid the ultimate cost on Calvary's Cross. Have you not heard, can you not feel the energy of God's swagger in the air. Christ is our CHAMPION and since he lives we are ALIVE with him. What a Glorious story, heaven's champion, man's redeemer and friend, has broken the sting of death and snatched the victory of the grave!
Hallelujah, what a Savior?

As I close, I invite you to reflect on these words:

He lives, He lives, Christ Jesus lives today
He walks with me and he talks with me along life's narrow way
He lives, He lives
Salvation to impart...
You ask me how I know he lives...
He lives in my heart!

May Christ come ALIVE to you as you walk the narrow path of your week. He's  Alive, therefore, there is great hope for we do.


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