FELLOWSHIP FRIDAY: Let us fellowship with purpose

It is a glorious morning, and this evening will be a blessed because Women in Fellowship and Encouragement will be meeting this evening. What sweet treasures are found in the company of good friends and accountability partners. The Lord calls us to care for, and stand with each other during all seasons of life. What a priviledge!
To know that when I need prayer I have a diverse group of ladies I can reach out to, who will interecede on my behalf is a relief that comforts the soul. To experience the grace of God through his vessels, which helps to make our burdens lighter  cannot be traded for earthly gain. What rich benefits awaits those who do not negelect the value of good counsel, and support as you walk through life.

I thought this article written by Greg Laurie will do a more resounding job of bringing my conviction concerning biblical fellowship. Read and be blessed!

WHY FELLOWSHIP? by Greg Laurie


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