Your are Cordially Invited to

JOIN  Henry & Liliane Cooper in prayer

EVERY MONDAY, STARTING TODAY (4/18/2011) @ 8:30 pm.


How:  Dial-in Number: (605) 562-3000
When prompted, enter the assigned access code bellow, followed by the # key.

Once connected to the live conference, every caller will be able to talk.

Participant Access Code: 730365#

Also, we recommend that every participant mutes their line when listening. This will minimize the amount of distraction we might encounter during our prayer time.

To mute, press *6 key. Pressing *6 again will un-mute the line.

Ladies, God knows we need intentional intercessory prayer that focuses on:
  • Godly Adoration
  • Healing & Health
  • Provision
  • Our Nation /Country
  • Families (Marriage)
  • Our Children (THE NEXT GENERATION)
  • The School system
  • Our Communities..... 
Let us use this as a WARM up for the upcoming
W.I.F.E's Inaugural PRAYER BREAKFAST, July 9, 2011.
           If you haven't yet, SAVE THE DATE!

~W.I.F.E. Disclaimer~:
This is not a W.I.F.E . sponsored or facilitated activity. However, W.I.F.E. does support all opportunities to pray and exalt our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please use your own level of discernment and discretion as to when, how and to whom you divulge personal and/or sensitive information.


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