Can someone say phenomenal! -----PHENOMENAL!!!!!

Last night's Transparency Series 2nd installment was a Keeping it Real", and we did...event! wow-wow wubbzy! Ladies, you continue to encourage and amaze me.
I want to hear from you, so REVIEW THE EVENING!


gschultz0670 said…
Wow! Boy I woke up feeling special, "I am not a LOSER, because Dannet doesn't hang with losers) LOL. Ladies we are part of a movement, a higher calling--a sisterhood--A safe haven, where we can come, exhale, shed our masks, be transparent, and most importantly be encouraged. It's so easy for us to be "busy" with life, and just as easy to neglect ourselves. Last night soothed tired bones, and a sometimes-weary soul. Let's remember to pray for each other, and to drop a line of encouragement. On another note, Edgar and Dannet are over the top. I've always seen this anointing on their lives. Talk about put your money where your mouth is. I am just in awe that they would allow the Lord to use them in this way. I so look forward to next month's meeting. If we are not already connected look me up on fb under Carmen Simmons-Schultz.
Anonymous said…
The transparency session last Friday was refreshing to my soul. A great group of women to share, laugh, and talk with. I guess the best thing I can say is that in ten years of going to women's retreats, luncheons and fellowships, this was the first time I felt fully engaged and alive with thoughts of how to encourage myself and other sisters in Christ. I am looking forward to attending the next one.
Thymelygrace said… are too funny! Yet my dear sister, you never fail to be a consistent source of support and affirmation in my life. I've always marvelled on how your family has been a double -whammy blessing in my life... ofcourse we neglect to acknowledge our big sister Christine! But, amazingly, the Lord has also cultivated a relationship between us that thrives on it's own and is so encouraging and a delight. You are a treasure to me!
Thymelygrace said…
Mrs "redletterwritingdiva", all I can say is your comments have led me to worshipping God and thanking him that HE ALONE is responsible for what you are experiencing through W.I.F.E.

I am excited about getting to know you more. I see your work too, and as a fellow blogger I know you know what it takes to set up, maintain and interest readers to support the message.

Peace, Blessings, and cheers to bibilical fellowship!
rd said…
I would agree with "redletterwritingdiva", the sessions have been refreshing to my spirit. I have enjoyed expanding my cirlce of God fearing women who are "fanbtabulous"(my word - not merriam's). I look forward to sharing the wealth.
chelleworship said…
All I can say is WOW!! Another great night with the ladies. "TRANSPARENT" Now that's a word that will make you want to crawl up under the church pew. I never thought I would see the day when that word would change my life with a positive impact. I would have never imagined or conceived the thought of allowing my hidden "STUFF" to be seen. If ever there were a time to tear down those barrier and walls, it's now. Healing, Deliverance and being set free is what it's all about. Dannet, thanks for the confirmation that we are NOT losers. I would like to add that we are winners and victorious. Stop hiding. Someone needs your story. Allow God to make you transparent, it’s Worth the Shine!
Bro. Edgar, A great big Thank You!!!

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