The 5th Annual Ornament Party: Holiday Delights

What a delight it the door bell rung, women filed into my home for the fifth year and the excitement for fellowship and fun build. The root cause is anchored in the food we will feast on, the hilarious pantomime that ensues as we laugh and taunt each other during the scheduled activity of the night " White Elephant Ornament Exchange".  Each year the ornaments are more spectacular than the year before. There are ornaments that causes some rift and major negotiations. It is a funny sight!

Most of all the event has become a holiday tradition certainly for me... and I hope it lasts for many years to come. The time spent together is purposeful and intentionally designed to establish new acquaintances amongst women and to refresh and celebrate older friendships. This year I believe we achieve all our goals for getting together. As much as we miss those who could not make it this year, the dynamic mix of women who were present certainly made deposits of encouragement to one another that I pray will last into and throughout the New Year.



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