Happy Thanksgiving 2010

There is so much to be thankful for each and everyday! So to wait just for thanksgiving each year causes us to miss out on the hundreds of moment when our lips, hearts and spirit could be expelling a sound of thanks.

Thank you God!
Thank you God,for the gift of sight,
I get to see my children grow and bloom into unique human beings.
I get to see the colors of the rainbow, and the smiles of faces a glow.
I get to see my own transformation, my curves, lines, my sad and happy moments.

I thank you God, for the gift of smell and taste,
I get to enjoy the many dishes prepared from all over the world, that reminds me of how diverse you are.
I get to inhale and exhale the greatest gift given...the breath of life.
I get to experience the new smell of a brand new baby...life,
I get to smell rain coming, and the change in the air as the seasons change,
O' taste and indeed see that the Lord is good.
Without a palette of buds, we would not enjoy the flavors of the simplest things.
that fillet mignon,
spicy jerk, savory curries, fruits, pies, veggies and lime
Lord, I thank you.

I thank you God, for the gift of touch,
A gift so anointed and healing. I get to experience the strength and tenderness of a loving embrace.
A gentle touch that conveys care and love.
Hands so strong they restrain...I thank you God,
For nothing compares to human touch.
Only you knew that touch reaches to the soul, it caresses the spirit man and restores.
In touch there are pleasures for evermore. There is so much of you O' Lord in touching.
When I achy, feeling low, needing physical assurance the gift of touch is the only cure...
thank you God.

I thank you God for hearing,
Your voice I so long to hear. It is through hearing I get my instruction and guidance for my day.
I get to hear the plans you have for my life,
I get to hear the reminders of truth...how you care and love me so dear,
Lord, I thank you.


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