Retreat, Reflect, Renew to Return

  On a sunny and mild Friday evening several women ventured to the valley forge area anticipating a time of fellowship and rest. What was not accounted for was the overwhelming presence of the Lord that would come in and richly and exponentially bless each woman. The retreat was birth initially with homeschooling moms in mind;however as time progressed I realized that many other mommy friends could benefit from a weekend designed with retreating (total submersion in the location setting, fellowship with others and GOD) in mind.
The goal was not to burden the women down with a busy schedule, when that's what they were Retreating from. The purpose was sure and set: Retreat, Reflect, Renew to Return with purpose and clarity on our next steps. These tenets I believe were met in many small ways that created a quilt amongst our group of gratefulness, and renewal . when you think of the weekend, the reality was that we realistically had less than 48hrs to rest; however, when the vision for such a retreat is SINGULAR (Spending time with GOD) the outcomes were multiplied in our favor.
Many of the readers of this blog may not get the opportunity to  Retreat as often as you like, but attached here is a article that can aid in creating a Retreat right where you are.


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