Submission- A curse word?

Submission- A curse word? What? Submit to who? You must be crazy! " He got to get himself together 1st b4 I can respect him" " He's not the leader I thought he'd be" I'm sure you've heard or even used one of the above statement at least once (multiply times) in your marriage. Over my pre-marital years up to these fourteen plus years of marriage, there is one word that seems to plague the state of Marriage, and that word is SUBMISSION. So many married women have fought against the definition (secular as well as biblical) for years and many are losing the fight. (Too many of us sanctiied christians are expeiening marriages of indifference, defiance and ultimately divorced) Could it be that we have a very small view of our relationship with the Lord, and have not committed to how he defines submission as it related to marriage? Why have we categorized "submission" as a marital curse or a requirement that is lofty in its demand? Better yet why is it the unzoned and unattainable goal that most women believe she can't fulfill? Well, I'd like to explore your thoughts and perhaps together we can touch and agree on the eternal fact that there is hope.

Literature for reading consideration:


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