Revival!! Do you need it?

      As many of us will vigorously wave goodbye to the melancholy of the winter and yield to the flirtation of Mother Nature hinting the delight of spring, this change will usher in a myriad of activities. I, along with some you will regain the energy to dust and clean the house from top to bottom, a part of our spring cleaning ritual; while a majority will perhaps strategize their wardrobe, get a new hair cut or color and of course a manicure and pedicure are in order. Suffice it to say, we will somehow be resurrected, it seems, from a dreary existence which had been cold and snowy to say the least. Beckoned by the subtle yet promising sights and sounds of spring, we make fresh and new plans for teas, parties and outings. Chirping birds, cool breezes begging our attention outside, and who can resist the new business or more frequent sighting of neighbors and friends we missed during the winter. Finally, spring is here, or for now just satisfied with the promises thereof.
     But wait a minute, all this rejuvenation of the physical orifices, what about the Soul? Will we do any Soul cleaning, or searching? Will the promise of sunshine pass our physical being and penetrate to the inner man. I'm merely asking because I find that the Soul can also rest in the winter season. As a matter of fact, many tarry a while there, almost dead. As the outer man requires revival or rejuvenation, so does the inner man.

      In this winter season of which I speak, we find ourselves listless; waning from our spiritual fervor, not feeling the nearest of the Lord. This state can come on suddenly or gradually, not intentional. It can be encouraged by the birth of a child, the change in ones schedule, a death in the family, relocation or just the business of life. Whatever the cause, there is no condemnation being sited here. Be relieved, even in our winter season, when we have wandered from the Lord, he is waiting with open arms to Revive us. He through His sweet Holy Spirit wants to perform a CPR maneuver on our Souls. King David knew this all too well, Psalm 85:6-9 echoes his cries for revival from the Lord. “Will you not revive us again, that your people may rejoice in you? Show us your steadfast love, O Lord, and grant us your salvation. Let me hear what God the Lord will speak, for he will speak peace to his people to his saints; but let them not turn back to folly. Surely his salvation is near to those who fear him that glory may dwell in our land.”

       If I may personally testify, I will tell you of the marvelous feeling when the Lord performs CPR on a wretched soul. A soul that has not forgotten or given up on the Lord, but yet has been aimlessly meandering without purpose or effectiveness. Alas, when I find myself in such a state, and I must admit more than once, it has only been God’s grace and mercy that has rejuvenated my soul. About a year ago, I was involved in a wonderful book study, Seeking Him by Nancy Lee DeMoss, and I must say during that time I was anticipating Revival. I had just had my third child, and the management of baby, homeschooling, family life threw my personal time with the Lord in a blender. Suddenly I had no energy or desperate desire to read the word. I almost became content in listening to spiritual content here and there and a dose of the word when I could. But this book study brought a good dose of medicine, that I so needed for the journey ahead. Isn’t refreshing to know that the Lord knows what is best, even when we foolishly think we are capable of charting our course.

        Revival is defined as an awakening, regeneration. From the days of Adam and Eve God’s people have resisted and or rebelled against Him. Thankfully, God’s love keeps him in love with us and desires us to have relationship with him. One scripture that helped me recognized my state, was

Hosea 10:12 ‘Break up your fallow ground, for it is time to seek the Lord, till He comes and rains righteousness on you”.

       Oh, how I want the Lord to rain/reign his righteousness on me and my family. Do you? Of course you do! My truth is that I miss the sweet communion with the Lord, times when the Holy Spirit’s activity was evident in my Soul and exuded to the outer limits of my physical being. When, the stirring of the spiritual waters of my Soul burst with the Word, Prayer and Praise. Oh, how delightful when the Spirit of the living God falls afresh. What is truly amazing is that the Lord loves us through it all, our inconsistencies and unfaithful tendencies. He is committed to drawing us near to himself again and again.

Revival, Do you need it? I do. I will end with this quote by Stephen Olford, “Revival is that strange and sovereign work of God in which He visits His own people-resting, reanimating, and releasing them into the fullness of His blessings.

Prayer: Lord I thank you for your faithful love and for your desire to restore me to yourself when I have wandered away from you. Lord, like the dew in the morning rain upon my heart, let me feel the sunshine of your Grace and mercy in the depths of my soul. I will yet Praise thee oh Lord.

Scriptures: Revelation 2:4-5
                 Hosea 10:12-13
                 Psalm 85:6-9


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