Where's my parachute?

Do you ever have those days, when nothing goes as planned. The children can't seem to apply any of the fruits of spirit; as a matter of fact I need a reminder myself! Well I am becoming too acquainted with days like those. Those days a narrow escape to my warm comfy bed is eminent. I hear Calgon calling my name...better yet; the parachute seems to provide a much more relieving prospect of escape. Too often when talking to other Mom CEOs, I hear the same desire to often escape, because of the pending details that hem our days. Often when the hem begin to ravel, due to unexpected interruptions, temper tantrum, disobedience, sadness, sickness or a something as simple as a spill, it is very hard to remember that "WE HAVE BEEN CALLED to the task as MOM CEOs. I know that last statement may not be too reassuring, yet as I continue to toil in caring for my family, I see more clearly that I must retire all desire to take the parachute and escape. Instead, I often surrender by applying some practical things I find to be stress busting and add a burst of fresh and restoring air to my day.

Here are my top stress busters:

1. Take a personal time out (I am known to shutdown school/Administrative day)

2. Have alternative lesson plan available to keep the kids safe and quiet (Age appropriate of course)

3. Do small calming activities at first (Settle children and step outside for 5 minutes; Pray; do something fun with kids like bake cookies. DON'T FEEL BAD, learning can occur anywhere.)

4. Access your 911/Call a friend OPTION (always have @least 1 person who you can trust to be a sane influence. They ALLOW you to SPILL, They HOLD you accountable to God's Truth, and they REDIRECT)

5. **When these days occur more frequently than you would desire, PLAN a personal Retreat to Rest, Refresh your soul and Refocus on the goals and vision. We all suffer burnout at some point or the other. Edgar and I have always agreed that we would do whatever necessary to ensure my mental health days.

There is relief in knowing the Lord has provided his own parachute for my challenging days or weeks. Through his care I've been able to benefit from the above list that I believe he gave to me. I don't have to run from my family, or desire secretly an escape route when things get hectic. Oh, did I say that, yes I did! The reality is that most of us MOM CEOs get tired and weary along the way of caring for our families. I wish we would stop pretending and misleading our sister friends. I don't have it together, and neither do you! But there is hope; Christ does have it all together. He desires to meet us in practical everyday ways.


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