The Perfect Homeschooling world
The Perfect Homeschooling World
Alpha Omega Publications
Alpha Omega Publications
- In a perfect homeschool world, your spouse would awaken you each morning with a kiss and offer to feed the baby and change his diaper while you take your time in the shower.
- In a perfect homeschool world, your children would greet you with a smile each morning and help prepare breakfast and clean up afterwards.
- In a perfect homeschool world, there would be no sibling fighting, lost workbooks, or unprepared students.
- In a perfect homeschool world, no one would ever ask, "But what about your child's socialization?"
- In a perfect homeschool world, everyone in your immediate family would be supportive and encourage you in your efforts to educate your children at home.
- In a perfect homeschool world, your children would learn their lessons the first time, eliminating any review.
- In a perfect homeschool world, you would have brilliant applications and visual aids prepared for every subject area you are teaching each day.
- In a perfect homeschool world, the laundry would clean and fold itself so you could enjoy the evenings with your spouse.
- In a perfect homeschool world, there would be enough money to buy all the curriculum you wanted.
- In a perfect homeschool world, you would find encouraging notes from your children thanking you for being such a wonderful parent and teacher.
- In a perfect homeschool world, you would always have the right answer to every one of your children's questions.
- In a perfect homeschool world, your children would never need to be disciplined for their behavior.
I know that I fall short each day in living a perfect holy life. Help me be patient and loving toward my family and others when they fall short as well. None of us is perfect, except You. Thank You for being a holy God who loves me in spite of my shortcomings. In Jesus' name, Amen.