The Power of a Woman Praying

There is much to be said about the " The Power of a Praying Wife". The first is what power and what a mercy we all experience in our lives. Recently, after owning this amazing and self-revealing book by Stormie Ormatian, for over 7 year,two readings,decided to pick up the book again not because of any specific personal issues, but as I found myself talking with a good friend about some current matters in her life, I was being reminded in the sub conscientious of all the valuable lessons I have learned from the readings in this devotional book. As I was testifying to the keys that have caused my marriage to mature (trial, error and God's mercy) I could not help but to quote Stormie time and time again. Now, you all know as well as I do there are many books out there that we have read and could recommend, nonetheless, I find that this material is easy to read, packed with biblical reference and help with praying for specific areas of challenge. As I committed to read the book with her and to set time aside to discuss what we've read in relations to where we are, I thought about all the many friends, and fellow sisters who would be either committed to reading once again these desirable truth; or read for the first time these life changing truths that helps us have a better perspective in the way we view things at home.

The book is predominantly focusing on Praying for our spouses, but ladies here's a twist, before we point another finger or say to ourselves "I don't want to do that"; or even say out loud "why is it that I have to pray" PLEASE READ CHAPTER 1. Whooh, this chapter THE WIFE is so loaded with nuggets that has nothing to do with our husbands but has everything to do with what's going on with us and our relationship with the Lord. Oh! yes..I will be a kick in the rear at first, but as we begin to humble ourselves to the Lord, we'll realize it's all for our healing.

So Invite you to join us in this read! I'll be posting questions, perspective directly from the reading and then we have an open forum for discussion. Please join us. Don't feel rushed in reading, I don't want to rush through...I would prefer it all to sink in deep in our souls.

Let's Talk
Chapter 1:His Wife.
Question 1:
As it relates to you praying for your husband or anyone, do you have a clean heart? Consider pg. 25 paragraph 1.

Question 2:What do you think about the statements made on pg.38, paragraph 3 regarding Proverbs 21:19, "It better to dwell n the wilderness than with a contentious and angy woman"


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