Have you ever wondered? by Angela Grandy- Goldston

Have you ever wondered “was that you Lord?” Have you ever felt like Samuel,” Speak Lord for your servant is listening” Suddenly God has your full attention and you begin to indulge yourself in the word of God. “I got it, I got it” you exclaim. The Lord has given me the answer to my questions. You believe you hear directives, “take the job”, “move to another location”, “don’t pursue that relationship”. Scriptures begin to “line up” with what you hear God saying.

Oh yes, I have heard the voice of the Almighty! I will do what He has commissioned me to do. You stand on His word, you walk in faith, and you begin to tell others “what thus saith the Lord.”

Suddenly circumstances are not lining up with what you thought you heard. Shame overcomes you, embarrassment and doubt plague you. “Whose voice did I hear?” I read the Scriptures, I walked in faith, I believed God, only now you are wondering why circumstances are not lining up as they should.

God’s word of consolation: “As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts. As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth. It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.

Don’t fret! The scriptures that you meditated upon and believed God for produced seeds that will accomplish His desires and achieve His purposes for your life. Don’t limit God by your finite thoughts and your fallible ways. Don’t create boundaries for Him. Don’t hem him in. Don’t you realize the God we serve calls himself the Great I AM. Even Moses could not stand to see him face to face but he saw his glory and goodness from behind.

When the Great I AM passes through your life, we cannot stand to see Him in His fullness, our vision is limited and He is too great of a God, but we can be confident that we will see evidences of His presence, and goodness just as Moses saw a glimpse of His glory as He passed by (Gen 33: 19-21).

When we allow the boundaries that we assign to God to crumble, our sense of awe and reverence for Him is restored. We become grateful that He is not restricted to our plans and preferences. We begin to worship Him for his sovereignty, His omniscience, His power, and for Him being the Wonderful Counselor. For who has counseled Him in His ways? We begin to remember we are a finite people serving an infinite God. We are a fallible people, subject to error, communicating with an infallible God. Now, as we enter into any decisions for our life, we are assured that “all things work together for good” and we can experience freedom in releasing the process to Him.


Denise said…
Thanks for sharing your testament of faith in God's sovereignty. Your words are mind-renewing.
Thymelygrace said…
Hey, Angie, how wonderful that you have allowed the Holy Spirit to use you as a vehicle to encourage those who will read and are assigned to this testimony of God's Sovereign will in our live. It's too wonderful for us to attain, but nonetheless,this power/sovereignty still directs and guides our every step. Lord, I thank you the inspite of the briers and thorns in our lives you are powerful enough to cause them to wither in the flames of your presence, and instead raise up fir and mrytle trees (Is. 55:13) All things work together for our good, for you are a faithful God.
Thymelygrace said…
Denise, good seeing you on the blog. Love girl!

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