Community Circle is Eight (8) months old

Ladies , thank you so much for your commitment to fellowship and share your lives with other through the vehicle of Community Circle.

Thanks all who visited and have ran the eight month mile : Lynda, Rosetta, Juanita, Lois, Joyce, Lora, Grace, Larnetta, Tischa, Tina, Musoba and the numerous of you who have visited us via the blog: Charmaine and the women who visited in April because of your article; Christine and those who read and received because of our interview in May, 
Angela, and for the many of you read and were      blessed because of God's faithfulness .

                                             This is a celebration of you!


Anonymous said…
oh my,,the Ellis family is growing! I enjoyed the mother's day interview...what a blessing to know that young people dare to have large families...What i'd like to see is a picture of the whole klan. smile...Again, christine thaks for sharing your testimony.
Anonymous said…
dannet what an article you shared about divorce...surprisingly, in church today one of sojourner cousins(singing group) gave her testimony that her husband served her with divorce papers..unfortunately she could not saved her marriage...however, her testimony was that God had provided her with two jobs with benefits...praise God! what a testimony she gave ... "God has been good to her during this trying time,"she said.... I know he is able...because he has seen my marriage through despite satans tactics...but i am reminded that this battle is not flesh and blood but mighty through the pulling down of strongholds...until next time... all who are going thru...thats key .. go thru...God will see you thru by the leading of the holy ghost. hallelujah!!! Just worship and magnify his name.
Anonymous said…
Thank you Madame Mitchell for allowing me the privilege of participating in May's events. It was a pleasure. It is so good to participate in a blog frequented by women who are sold out for the Lord. May He allow us to be a beacon of light to visitors who come to the webpage who don't know the Lord as their personal Savior. By the way, thank everybody for their prayers, Camille Danae is doing fine and mommy is getting sleep from time to time:)! She has folded into our family nicely, keep us in your prayers. God Bless!!
Thymelygrace said…
The pleasure is all mine. Ladies, the Lord is doing an awesome work in us and through us. Can I also say to all the women on the blog and who attend the fellowship meetings what a pleasure it is to serve and be served by God's leading ladies. My respects and honor to all of you.

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