Nehemiah 8:10 .."The joy of the Lord is our strength" When was the last time you considered or contemplated how the Joy of the Lord makes you strong!

For deeper Discussion,read and meditate on the following.

•What is the joy of the LORD?
•What wonderful things has God done for us that make us joyful in spite of our problem?


Thymelygrace said…
I must be the first to admit that I have not been enjoying and experiencing all of the redemptive benefits of God's Joy lately. So many times, admittedly I confess, I allow how I feel, my circumstances and situation to stiffle my Joy. But, Nehemiah is such an inspiration on the Christian's Journey. No matter what Sanballat did, Nehemiah's strength, fortitude and wisdom came from a constant crying out to the Lord. Ever brick laid in the rebuilding of the wall around Jerusalem was built by Nehemiah sole dependence on God to supply him with strength for the opposition.
By trusting God, he experienced a great level of Joy, as a matter of fact he declares to the people in the great assemble, with Ezra,"The Joy of the Lord is our strength".
I marvel at such words in the midst of such opposition and am more inspired to take on this active mindset. To cry out to the Lord rather than retreating to self pity and for many depression.What an example and what hope of encouragement.
Let us take it to heart-,"The Joy of the Lord is our strength".

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