While we are still celebrating Motherhood, CC (Community Circle ) could help but celebrate one who is dear to the principles and support our philosophy of biblical enriching each other's lives through the Gospel. Our guest is a long time friend, my sister -because time and maturity have crossed biological boundaries and gave us such a unique friendship and bond in the gospel; my accountability partner; intercessor and a mother and wife that aspires in spite of human frailties, and challenges to be God's Woman. Whom exudes godly radiance and patience, and one who loves beyond measure.

This sister has eight (8) beautiful children, as we speak, she has just delivered her eighth baby, and on her way to recovery at home surrounded by a loving brood of children and a doting husband.  She's a homeschooling mom (veteran of 13 years) and walks beside, as a chief intercessor;cheerleader; lover and anchor to her dynamic husband David Ellis. Christine, I salute you, not because we are best of friends, but this honor runs deep into my own professed testimony of faith. You've always lead and behaved in our friendship with such grace that brought a new perspective to my marriage in the way you served and devoted selflessly to David and the children; Your public declaration of faith and trust in God to see you through and your diligence in always seeking the Lord. Hey, we are the first to declare... "we are not perfect", and for those of you who may read this post, there is no one perfect but Christ, it's HIS power that allows us to do what we do everyday. I am a witness that Christine's strength and joy comes from God Almighty.

CC: Hello Chris and welcome to the Community Circle Blog!

CE: Thank you for inviting me! Hello!

CC: So how was your Mother's Day?

CE: My Mother's Day was eemm! because a little a little annoyed because of my expectations in getting things done (in retrospect it was all based on my own selfishness)

CC: Hey you all Chris is about to deliver this baby any moment now, so we can understand especially with other little ones needed her every attention!

CE: So yeah! my day started out a little challenging...I had a bad attitude and my focus was in the wrong place. In the final analysis God was gracious and it turned out after all to be a great day, full of love and appreciation. I was reminded of the true purpose of Mother's Day.

CC: Who helped you to remember, once you got yourself together?

My husband and children. I realized all the business I was doing was only self inflicted. They would have rather me relax, feet up and they help out where needed. But, as most of you mother's know...I was dreading the process of sitting still knowing I was to have baby Ellis in a few days.

CC: I'm just gonna jump right into our online conversation, cause I know you're on the verge of delivering my niece and much to do til' the a.m. (no joke you all, Chris is hours away from delivery. So, Chris what would you say is your philosophy on motherhood?

CE: Motherhood is a privilege and an honor that God bestows on us...undeserved. I believe that being a mother is a privilege we cannot take for granted. Often, we believe that sexual intercourse is the end all to motherhood, but it's bigger than that...God has allowed us to carry forth a seed that he as purpose for and we are his workmanship created to bring HIM honor and delight in this role called Motherhood. God sees this role as important and so should we. Motherhood is such a great extension of God's design of man and woman/the first family in Genesis 1:1-2:25.

I have been asked many times "when are you going to stop?", or people may attempt to question the rational of having many children. Now, I am first to admit...this journey is not for everyone, but for those of us who have multi-children (more than 3), I say praise God!. For me, I think it is God who blessed me with each of our eight (8) children, none are a mistake and in so keeping we have only seen God's blessing and provision for every stage of each of their lives.

"Children are heritage of the Lord and the seed of the womb is His reward." Ps. 127:3

CC: Did you always desire a large family?

CE: I desired four children, 2 boys and 2 girls (lol)..I just didn't specify how many groups of four (4) though (lol). But look at what the Lord had done through us.

CC:What are some of the things you desire for your children not that you've been a mother?

CE: A close relationship with the Lord;faith and courage to trust the Lord and to stay pure/chased for Marriage.

CC: Do you ever consider your journey to motherhood a burden (especially with the at times dizzying task of caring for such a large family?

CC: Yes! of course, and those times can be attributed to when I feel inadequate as a mother and effective in reaching our established goals. Those times are also linked to how filled up my spirit is for the day.

CC:What causes you to bounce back from those moment of not feeling inspired in your role as a mother?

CE:I cannot take any credit for my day's activities, it's the Lord who stirs me through every waking moment. When I feel drained or not having any energy to spare thanks God for a caring Husband, family and faithful friends who remind me of God's grace and in that grace I can take a break.
CC: What is your strategy for getting through the day?/or what does your day look like?

CE: Seeking the Lord early while he maybe found. I don't want to sound cliche' but God's grace for the day is my pipeline. Apart for my morning journal time and personal devotions, I can do nothing. It's becomes instinctive now where, on days when my morning is hurried and I have not spent time with the Lord, I can trace back to where this deficiency lies.

CC: How do you stay so fit? Hey, Ladies this sister pregnant or not is always put together--always! anyone else a witness? Do you have a regiment?

CE: First and foremost I ask the Lord to give me the will power to eat properly and exercise because I don't have the power on my own. It is the Lord who allows it. Before and after child birth I ask the Lord to give me the strength and will power/ self control to exercise, drink a lot of water and denying my self even when I don't want to.

CC: Tell us about,and I know you have many, one of your proudest memories as a mother?

CE: I think, the first day my children fixed me breakfast in bed on their own. It came with such joy and pride. From the oldest to the youngest had a role to play and when they got the delicious breakfast to me they all beams with a sense of accomplishment. To see your children in a serving mode always is memorable and delightful.

CC: Leave us with some words of encouragement as we engage in one of the most honorable roles God has called us to?

CE: Being a mother is an awesome role, and responsibility. It is a privilege that we should not take lightly. We must lean heavily on God to fulfill his very desires on this journey. Always remembering that we are only stewards of HIS gift. We need to be mindful as to not be uptight and seeking glory for a role only God can give us strength to perform. We should enjoy our children; use every opportunity to be light and salt to them. We should "mother" with pride and honor. We should also make time to communicate that to our children,and help them to understand that we believe that they are gifts from God. We should take care in handling them as precious gifts from God. Last but not least it takes much humility to be a mother.

CC: Alright you all, you heard it here! Thanks Chris and we here at CC are praying for you and baby Ellis!


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